Search page results not centered
Whenever I do a search, the results are not centered and there is always a noticeably bigger space on the right hand side. It doesn't matter if I view this on my widescreen monitor or my 5:4 square monitor and it doesn't matter how I re-size either window - it is always off to the left.
I've picked several other SM sites at random and it is the same there.
Can this be fixed?
I've picked several other SM sites at random and it is the same there.
Can this be fixed?

SmugMug Support Hero
Contrary to the previous post, it can be customised, if not fixed...
Do a search and when the results pop up hit Customize > Customize Site > Just This Page > Layout and fiddle with the settings. Try "Stretchy" and body width "auto" and then play with side margins, I found 129px looks OK to me and prevents the "hover" images from going offscreen (the "hover" images are double the width of the tiles if the originals are landscape format). Like Josh says, zoom level can be a factor, as can monitor size.
It's quite easily to centre the element that contains the tiles, but centring the tiles within that element is a different kettle of fish!
I'm afraid yours looks the same with the big right margin no matter how I zoom or which monitor I look at it on -
I tried just customizing the search results page as I've been making minor improvements all over my site this weekend (thanks to the new 'Background' option) and this is the only area I can't fix which is a shame.
edit - having said that, fiddling again with the margins in Layout does seem to have improved it on my widescreen monitor (but not my square one). Thanks. It would be much better if it was centered by default though like every other content block.
Indeed it does. Like I said, it can be customised, if not fixed.
As per my late edit, it's quite easily to centre the element that contains the tiles, but centring the tiles within that element is a different kettle of fish. I doubt that it's impossible, though.
Ah, gotcha, thanks
Margins now 107px to work better with new border/spacing:
Here we go - - (as you'll see, it's mainly full of bugs
Your search results page looks good to me on my 1280x800 monitor, and I really like its background image.
Thanks for the link
Thanks. I just thought looking out to sea would be apt for 'Search'
I'll look up Mr Cooper, I can always use another bug reference.
I think i got it centered... makes photos on the left look better (some bits still get off the screen).
Maybe someone can check on other browsers/OS (FF/Linux here).
Not sure if i should center the info text also...
Markus, I'll post a screenshot of yours from mine, stay tuned...
Firefox 26.0 on XP SP3, 1280x800 monitor.
Thats what i used to do also... text-align:center;
Thanks for testing
Here is my custom CSS, i changed some more things...
I added a css block on the search results page with just
.sm-search-tiles {
text-align: center;
.sm-search-tile {
margin:1px 1px 0px 0px;
border: none!important
and my tiles now seem to center no matter how I re-size the window!
Thank you!!!
try this: And i also made the "hover/mouse-over" effect different to the default look.
You can be the lucky guy who tells Josh
I tried to change the title to 'Fixed' but I don't think it will let me
Steady on, it needs testing properly before that! You don't want to fall into the same "it works for me so I'll assume that it works for everybody" trap that SM fall into on a regular basis
(there will then be utter silence from me when I am proved wrong).
Yes, that would be the icing on the cake
If you want to give it a try... just added this to my site and it seem to work:
In the layout-section i set the side-margins to 100px so photos do not always get cut off on the left/right edge of the screen. Still not perfect but looks better then before.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Hmmm, thank you but this doesn't work for me for some reason, it stays to the left no matter what.