Hmm, this makes me think that lensbaby might just be a good toy.
I like this a lot. But I think that lensbaby can do even more. Here it's focusing attention on the subject right. But what's he doing? Have him looking in a store window or looking at a pretty girl or a car he wants or a street santa he thinks me might have to give to. Wouldn't that be great?
I have trouble doing this myself, but it's what it's really all about.
Hey, lensbaby, why not replace the with
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
5.6 with the Raynox WA adapter
I like this a lot. But I think that lensbaby can do even more. Here it's focusing attention on the subject right. But what's he doing? Have him looking in a store window or looking at a pretty girl or a car he wants or a street santa he thinks me might have to give to. Wouldn't that be great?
I have trouble doing this myself, but it's what it's really all about.