background color for menu bar

dude75dude75 Registered Users Posts: 9 Big grins
edited June 19, 2016 in SmugMug Customization
hi all, I struggle a little bit the the turbo design, I want to change the backgound color of the menu bar to white and want it transparent. Where can I change this?
thanks in advance


  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited December 27, 2013
    Have you tried changing the site section colors and opacity in your theme?

    Edit theme... Advanced... Site section colors. The first entry for each section is the color and the second is the opacity.

    If that doesn't do what you want post back for help with CSS. If you need additional help we will need your site URL. Please add it to your signature so it is always available to the helpers here. Click the clipboard icon in the navbar above, then Edit Signature. Begin your URL with http:// to make it clickable.

    --- Denise
  • dude75dude75 Registered Users Posts: 9 Big grins
    edited December 27, 2013
    Hi, that is not effecting the manu bar on the left. here is my link:
  • dude75dude75 Registered Users Posts: 9 Big grins
    edited December 27, 2013
    now I got it, thanks
  • ribbon_cableribbon_cable Registered Users Posts: 23 Big grins
    edited June 19, 2016
    I am also having this problem. I have changed the colour and opacity of the title bar in the settings but I am getting no change visible.

    Can anyone still help me with this? I realize its a really old thread.

  • annnna8888annnna8888 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 936 SmugMug Employee
    edited June 19, 2016
    Hi Keir,
    We would love to help, but we'll need a link to your site. It's best you add it to your signature so it's always available.

    SmugMug Support Hero
    SmugMug Support Hero Manager
    My website:
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