Last two unidentified shore birds--any help appreciated!
Hi Everyone!
Here are the last two shore birds that I haven't photographed before here on Avery Island. No doubt they have been here much longer than I have--I just haven't seen them before. Any help with identification is greatly appreciated! And Happy New Year to all!
Best, Pam
1) I think this is some kind of Sandpiper, but I can't figure out exactly which one:

2) I am almost sure this one is a Killdeer:
Here are the last two shore birds that I haven't photographed before here on Avery Island. No doubt they have been here much longer than I have--I just haven't seen them before. Any help with identification is greatly appreciated! And Happy New Year to all!
Best, Pam
1) I think this is some kind of Sandpiper, but I can't figure out exactly which one:

2) I am almost sure this one is a Killdeer:

Thanks very much, Chris, and Happy New Year to you, too! Best, Pam