Using negative margins OK to achieve block position?

Is it okay to do this - meaning no negative impact on page load time, or anything else I can't imagine?
Sometimes I put negative margins on several blocks on a page.
In the current text block example I have a -110 top margin, and gave it a 300 px container size. (Not sure the latter was required.)
I don't know any other workaround to position blocks of various uneven sizes. Thanks.
Sometimes I put negative margins on several blocks on a page.
In the current text block example I have a -110 top margin, and gave it a 300 px container size. (Not sure the latter was required.)
I don't know any other workaround to position blocks of various uneven sizes. Thanks.
.sm-page-widget-xxxxxxxxx {
top: -110px;
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Thanks, Allen. In my groping to understand, you are saying... Okay what are you saying? lol. To throw out use of photo blocks and use html, so that this CSS can be used?
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