Your Christmas tree looks pretty bare. Guess we know who was on the naughty list
Well, pard, I was happy to just survive this jaunt through the frozen countryside. I was ready to give up 5 years worth of Christmas booty just to see the inside of a warm house again.
Happy New Year, Randy,
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Hi Tom, certainly looks cold and bleak. 36 deg C outside at the moment - stuck inside in the aircon !!
Happy New Year, Richard.
Boy, Richard, it's sure great to hear from you. I've been wondering how you're doing.
I fully understand about the air conditioner. Come the brutal Florida Summers and I don't go outside except when I'm heading to the Appalachians. I do hope you'll soon be able to treat us to some of your great work....been way too long.
Happy New Year,
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Temp sounds like ND, but too many trees for you to be in ND Nice winter scene shot!
Thanks for your continued support, Mary.
I was up in Milwaukee for a week to visit with my two nieces. One lives there and one flew in from CA. One's husband thought a trek through the countryside would be neat. I lost my mind and went with him. Fortunately, I have a lot of hard-weather gear. Man, I needed it.
Happy New Year to you and John,
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
Another wonderfully composed, moody, and (appropriately) bleak B&W image Tom - well done!
Good news - Spring is coming and worth hoping for...
I don't want to brag or nuthin', but, yesterday, it was 80deg. and sunscreen for me... :ivar
When I left Florida, Eric, it was 79 degrees. Landing in zero degree weather made me question my manliness. When I looked at Darlene and saw that she had turned blue, I felt better about myself.:D
It's been a real pleasure sharing this forum with you. Your contributions can benefit us all.
Happy New Year,
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
This is veeery nice! Great contrast and compositon!
Thanks, Cristóbal, I appreciate your support.
This forum has certainly benefited from your input....both with submitted images and thoughtful comments. I'm hoping this new year brings out the best in all of us. Let's have some fun!!!!
Happy New Year, my friend,
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
It's been a real pleasure sharing this forum with you.
Happy New Year,
Thanks for the kind words Tom, and right-back-atcha my man...
I wish more of the 73,123 members of Dgrin would jump-in and join the fun...
But, it is what it is... so, more C&C for us, huh?
2014... can you believe its been just over a year since the world was gonna' end in 2012?
And, 14 years (or is it 13?) since the world was gonna' end at Y2K...
Nope... we all still here and looking good! :ivar
Therefore... Happiness, Health, Fortune, and Proper Exposures to y'all in 2014!!
That's a really terrific photo, Tom! I'm glad you were able to brave the elements to capture it.
Thanks, John.
I've never spent that much time shooting outside in such extreme weather before. Seems I read that under such conditions, you should put your camera in an airtight baggie before going back into a warm environment. I did that. The condensation formed on the baggie, not on or in the camera. I guess it was sage advice to do that.
Take care,
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Well, pard, I was happy to just survive this jaunt through the frozen countryside. I was ready to give up 5 years worth of Christmas booty just to see the inside of a warm house again.
Happy New Year, Randy,
Happy New Year, Richard.
Boy, Richard, it's sure great to hear from you. I've been wondering how you're doing.
I fully understand about the air conditioner. Come the brutal Florida Summers and I don't go outside except when I'm heading to the Appalachians. I do hope you'll soon be able to treat us to some of your great work....been way too long.
Happy New Year,
Good news - Spring is coming and worth hoping for...
I don't want to brag or nuthin', but, yesterday, it was 80deg. and sunscreen for me... :ivar
Thanks for your continued support, Mary.
I was up in Milwaukee for a week to visit with my two nieces. One lives there and one flew in from CA. One's husband thought a trek through the countryside would be neat. I lost my mind and went with him.
Happy New Year to you and John,
When I left Florida, Eric, it was 79 degrees. Landing in zero degree weather made me question my manliness. When I looked at Darlene and saw that she had turned blue, I felt better about myself.:D
It's been a real pleasure sharing this forum with you. Your contributions can benefit us all.
Happy New Year,
This is veeery nice! Great contrast and compositon!
Thanks, Cristóbal, I appreciate your support.
This forum has certainly benefited from your input....both with submitted images and thoughtful comments. I'm hoping this new year brings out the best in all of us. Let's have some fun!!!!
Happy New Year, my friend,
I wish more of the 73,123 members of Dgrin would jump-in and join the fun...
But, it is what it is... so, more C&C for us, huh?
2014... can you believe its been just over a year since the world was gonna' end in 2012?
And, 14 years (or is it 13?) since the world was gonna' end at Y2K...
Nope... we all still here and looking good! :ivar
Therefore... Happiness, Health, Fortune, and Proper Exposures to y'all in 2014!!
Thanks, John.
I've never spent that much time shooting outside in such extreme weather before. Seems I read that under such conditions, you should put your camera in an airtight baggie before going back into a warm environment. I did that. The condensation formed on the baggie, not on or in the camera. I guess it was sage advice to do that.
Take care,