Take Your Pick

black mambablack mamba Registered Users Posts: 8,327 Major grins
edited January 6, 2014 in Other Cool Shots
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.


  • moose135moose135 Registered Users Posts: 1,420 Major grins
    edited January 1, 2014
    Hey, that looks like the one I lost off my old Dodge in 1987!

    Happy New Year, Tom!
  • black mambablack mamba Registered Users Posts: 8,327 Major grins
    edited January 1, 2014
    Well, I guarantee you, John, that if it's not on this barn side, it's on one of the other two barns that were there.... each of which had more on it than this one. I'd be scared to venture a guess as to how long it took to assemble so many hub caps. A lot of years, for sure.

    Happy New Year, John,

    I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
  • EaracheEarache Registered Users Posts: 3,533 Major grins
    edited January 2, 2014
    Great subject Tom... I really like these one-of-a-kind scenes, something you won't find often, or just the same anywhere else.
    Nice conversion too, you seem to be enjoying B&W a bit more in your recent posts - keep em' coming!
    My only suggestion would be to burn/darken/crop the weeds at the bottom so to de-emphasize them somewhat.
    Have fun!
    Eric ~ Smugmug
  • JuanoJuano Registered Users Posts: 4,891 Major grins
    edited January 2, 2014
    Earache wrote: »
    Great subject Tom... I really like these one-of-a-kind scenes, something you won't find often, or just the same anywhere else.
    Nice conversion too, you seem to be enjoying B&W a bit more in your recent posts - keep em' coming!
    My only suggestion would be to burn/darken/crop the weeds at the bottom so to de-emphasize them somewhat.
    Have fun!

    Nice one Tom, I also like your approach to bw conversions. I think Eric is right on burning the weeds (you could also have done that before the shot! :D)

    Happy New Year!
  • black mambablack mamba Registered Users Posts: 8,327 Major grins
    edited January 2, 2014
    Earache wrote: »
    Great subject Tom... I really like these one-of-a-kind scenes, something you won't find often, or just the same anywhere else.
    Nice conversion too, you seem to be enjoying B&W a bit more in your recent posts - keep em' coming!
    My only suggestion would be to burn/darken/crop the weeds at the bottom so to de-emphasize them somewhat.
    Have fun!

    Thanks Eric, for the comments. I couldn't agree with you more.....the foreground weeds needed to be de-emphasized. Cropping would have generated an aspect ratio I didn't want. I had posted the image before I realized that I had forgotten to address the issue....too lazy to go back and take care of it. Shame on me.

    It's a bit unusual for me to delve into B&W, but some subjects seemingly demand that treatment. Who am I to deny the photo gods when they dictate something? ne_nau.gif

    Take care, my friend,

    I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
  • black mambablack mamba Registered Users Posts: 8,327 Major grins
    edited January 2, 2014
    Juano wrote: »
    Nice one Tom, I also like your approach to bw conversions. I think Eric is right on burning the weeds (you could also have done that before the shot! :D)

    Happy New Year!

    Hi ya buddy,

    Check out my response to Eric above. You guys are both right on....the bright weed area needs to be mitigated. WhenI set up the tripod, the lighting was universal....all elements in a shaded area. As I started to shoot, the cloud cover shifted and exposed the foreground to a more intense light. That was no real problem but I forgot to compensate for it in PP when I noticed it.

    Burning the weeds before shooting would have certainly generated a little more local excitement. I'm not certain, though, that the two guys already scrutinizing my jumping on to their property would have gone for that.rolleyes1.gif

    I wish you the best, Cristóbal.

    I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
  • EiaEia Registered Users Posts: 3,627 Major grins
    edited January 4, 2014
    Nice black and white and quite a find ! I wish the Ford tailgate was not upside down but it is what it is!
  • R.JayR.Jay Registered Users Posts: 974 Major grins
    edited January 4, 2014
    Hi Tom, really like this shot - a good find. Reminds me of when I was in South Africa in 1980. The road crew that was tasked with maintaining the verges on the country roads would find hub caps in the grass - the guy at the end had a wheel barrow full of them and as you approached he would recognise the type of car you were driving and hold up the appropriate hub cap for you to buy.:D

    Cheers, Richard.
  • black mambablack mamba Registered Users Posts: 8,327 Major grins
    edited January 4, 2014
    Eia wrote: »
    Nice black and white and quite a find ! I wish the Ford tailgate was not upside down but it is what it is!

    Thanks for the visit, Eia. The section of the Appalachians that I cruise quite frequently ( NW North Carolina, NE Tennessee, SW Virginia ) is full of car-stopping finds. There's something you want to photograph around very bend.

    See ya,

    I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
  • black mambablack mamba Registered Users Posts: 8,327 Major grins
    edited January 4, 2014
    R.Jay wrote: »
    Hi Tom, really like this shot - a good find. Reminds me of when I was in South Africa in 1980. The road crew that was tasked with maintaining the verges on the country roads would find hub caps in the grass - the guy at the end had a wheel barrow full of them and as you approached he would recognise the type of car you were driving and hold up the appropriate hub cap for you to buy.:D

    Cheers, Richard.

    Hey Richard,

    It's funny you should mention that story....which, by the way, I can see in my mind. A couple of years ago, I gave some thought to buying every old hub cap I could find and try to develop a specialty supply chain for the amateur / professional restoration market. After a detailed and brutally honest analysis, I recognized that my time would be better spent on other projects offering a much higher ROI. It's a shame, in a sense, that it wasn't viable. As you know, I love cars and I was hoping to create another angle to play with.

    Take care buddy,

    I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
  • 1magineer1magineer Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins
    edited January 6, 2014
    Good image and suggestions thus far. Do you have post–production software with horizontal perspective shifting adjustment (Lightroom, PS)? If so, one other small suggestion I have is to try squaring the wall to the viewer using perspective shifting. You might lose too much in the resulting crop, but I think that shot would have a certain pop with all the caps square to the viewer.

    "Conventional thinking is the ruin of our souls..." ~Rumi
    My SmugMug Galleries
  • black mambablack mamba Registered Users Posts: 8,327 Major grins
    edited January 6, 2014
    1magineer wrote: »
    Good image and suggestions thus far. Do you have post–production software with horizontal perspective shifting adjustment (Lightroom, PS)? If so, one other small suggestion I have is to try squaring the wall to the viewer using perspective shifting. You might lose too much in the resulting crop, but I think that shot would have a certain pop with all the caps square to the viewer.

    Hi Mark,

    Thanks for taking the time to comment. I appreciate it.

    I have both Lightroom and PS. Your suggestion is well taken, but you have hit upon the downside of implementing that adjustment. I didn't want to lose a single hub cap. I was shooting with a 20 - 35 zoom lens at 20mm. I couldn't go wider and I didn't want to sacrifice any of the wall or caps. I was very limited as to positions I could assume but I could skew my perspective just enough to get it all in. It was a conscious decision on my part that was centered around my primary goal.

    Thanks again for the visit,

    I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
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