Aperture 3.5 and SM - how to upload/sync captions
Brand new to SM and Aperture 3.5. I am in trial mode on SmugMug but plan to purchase the Power account but before I do I am trying to build a site that includes caption data entered from within Aperture. I can find no evidence that the caption data exists from the SM site side.
Thanks in advance for any guidance.
Thanks in advance for any guidance.
Hope this helps
I'am using SmuginPro for Aperture by nzwidgets.com All my Captions, Keywords etc, I enter in Aperture then up load using smuginpro, you must first turn off use file name as Keywords in SM settings or you get double up's etc.
Thanks for the tip. I tried another upload from the Mac/Aperture app and inserted a caption from Aperture on just one of the photos and this time I noticed it is on the SM site. So...not sure what happened before, maybe there is a latency issue with respect to SM website but all is well now.