How do I increase center section of Sierra theme?

The center section of the Sierra theme is really small proportionally on the homepage, and I'd like to know how to increase the width. Ideally, I'd like to put either a slideshow or landscape collage in that spot. I tried the new full-screen slideshow, but I find that it's too unpredictable, and doesn't really compliment my images.
Thanks in advance for the help. (new version not yet published - still tweaking)
Thanks in advance for the help. (new version not yet published - still tweaking)
I found a better way to word my question:
I'm using the Sierra design, but the center content block is fairly narrow. What do I do to increase the width so that I can show more photos in a row?
On the page you wish to enlarge, go to the layout tab in your side panel. There near the top you'll probably have width at 960px. Increase it to the size you want. On my Galleries page I have it set to 1344. Hope this helps! If not others more knowledgeable than I will chime in.
And I'm not sure you can do what Charly said.
If you have your site set to Stretchy, can you even widen the width the way Charly suggested? (I think not.)
Is this an issue where you need to enlarge your browser to something bigger, so that the center has more space?
Or do you have a left sidebar that takes up space?
My site is set to "fixed", so I don't want to try testing this, but what happens if you set the left and right margins to negative numbers? These are on the black flyout, Layout, under the Stretchy/Fixed options.
ChancyRat ~ My Entire Site is set to Stretchy and my Galleries page is fixed to 1344 and my About Photograper page is set to fixed 1000px. Everything seems to be working fine on my end. Might you be so kind as to check it on your end and let me know? Imagery by Charly Thanks!
Support Hero and Customeister
I don't have any sidebars at all, just a header with a logo on one side (25%) and the nav bar on the other.
It's just the content block itself that's too narrow. It seems to have fixed borders (little squiggly lines). There is a spot in the layout that gives you margin dimensions, but they won't exceed the established borders.
Is there maybe a CSS fix for this?
Support Hero and Customeister