I hate to say it, but I would LOVE this photo .... without any people in it!! I lvoe the processing on the buildings and the sky, to the point I didn't even notice the models until I looked for them...............
Thanks for viewing, and indeed the model are rather small, although when viewed on a large format it gives a complete different impression. I might push the full size at 72DPI tonight so you can blow it up a.
The reason for this compo is very simple: We all know those and we all do, people that pose in front of buildings landscapes during vacation. Well this is kind of a play on that theme.
A photographer without a style, is like a pub without beer
I do really like the direction you took this with regard to processing and "look".
The reason for this compo is very simple: We all know those and we all do, people that pose in front of buildings landscapes during vacation. Well this is kind of a play on that theme.