Nice one Cristóbal. What appeals to me is your use of dof to shift between an in focus area to an out of focus area on the tire. And the cool color stripes too!
I like the color and use of DOF as well. It has the makings of a good abstract shot, but is too easily recognized as is. I don't know whether you have enough pixels for this, but I'd experiment with some sort of portrait aspect crop in the upper right quadrant, eliminating the spokes altogether. Just the bold stripes on a blurred background. Just a thought.
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited January 6, 2014
Yo Cristóbal,
I'm going with the cropped version. It's more pleasing to the eye. Some of the tension is gone.
Then, too, the colors here bring back remembrances of the same colors I used to wear in high school. I had a pair of black pants that had a vertical pink stripe running the length of the leg. Now don't laugh....when I showed up at the Saturday night hop wearing those things, it was lights out.
Take care my man,
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
I'm going with the cropped version. It's more pleasing to the eye. Some of the tension is gone.
Then, too, the colors here bring back remembrances of the same colors I used to wear in high school. I had a pair of black pants that had a vertical pink stripe running the length of the leg. Now don't laugh....when I showed up at the Saturday night hop wearing those things, it was lights out.
Take care my man,
I meant to say something and forgot, or maybe I was speechless. Black pants with a pink stripe? Wow, I'm sure a lot of heads turned... I'm sorry, but I did laugh!
I meant to say something and forgot, or maybe I was speechless. Black pants with a pink stripe? Wow, I'm sure a lot of heads turned... I'm sorry, but I did laugh!
Well, Cristóbal, I can hardly blame you for laughing. You have to appreciate, though, the context of the times. This was when Elvis was starting to crank it up. Colorful garb was the order of the day. The black and pink combo was BIG, BIG. Hell, Ford even offered one of their top model of cars all painted up in black and pink. One of our neighbors had one.
The colors in your photo really hit home. Almost always, when I wore those pants I also wore a white shirt. When on the dance floor, I was never sure if it was the moves I was making or the clothes I was wearing but the girls went crazy.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Well, Cristóbal, I can hardly blame you for laughing. You have to appreciate, though, the context of the times. This was when Elvis was starting to crank it up. Colorful garb was the order of the day. The black and pink combo was BIG, BIG. Hell, Ford even offered one of their top model of cars all painted up in black and pink. One of our neighbors had one.
The colors in your photo really hit home. Almost always, when I wore those pants I also wore a white shirt. When on the dance floor, I was never sure if it was the moves I was making or the clothes I was wearing but the girls went crazy.
Did you get new pink wheels for your MTB?
I like Richard's idea a lot and recommend giving it a try.
I tried a portrait crop but didn't like it, in the end I settled for a tighter square crop. Thoughts?
I'm going with the cropped version. It's more pleasing to the eye. Some of the tension is gone.
Then, too, the colors here bring back remembrances of the same colors I used to wear in high school. I had a pair of black pants that had a vertical pink stripe running the length of the leg. Now don't laugh....when I showed up at the Saturday night hop wearing those things, it was lights out.
Take care my man,
"Conventional thinking is the ruin of our souls..." ~Rumi
My SmugMug Galleries
I meant to say something and forgot, or maybe I was speechless. Black pants with a pink stripe? Wow, I'm sure a lot of heads turned... I'm sorry, but I did laugh!
This kind of bike is in around here, it won't be hard to find another one, Maybe not pink though... I like the idea, thanks.
Well, Cristóbal, I can hardly blame you for laughing. You have to appreciate, though, the context of the times. This was when Elvis was starting to crank it up. Colorful garb was the order of the day. The black and pink combo was BIG, BIG. Hell, Ford even offered one of their top model of cars all painted up in black and pink. One of our neighbors had one.
The colors in your photo really hit home. Almost always, when I wore those pants I also wore a white shirt. When on the dance floor, I was never sure if it was the moves I was making or the clothes I was wearing but the girls went crazy.
If it works, it works...
I googled and found this
Surely you jest....we didn't know what a camera was. Besides, I wouldn't divulge my secret moves for less than a keg of beer. :slosh I know my rights.
Under fire and on the run,