SEO on html and text blocks, versus gallery description

Does google find the html and text block content?
Or just the formal description field (from legacy)?
I don't see mention of html and text blocks on this page:
Or just the formal description field (from legacy)?
I don't see mention of html and text blocks on this page:
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--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Use dashes because Google sees a dash as a separate word.
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--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Thanks, Denise. It is a little scary to have dropped all of my major HTML in the description field, moving them to blocks.
There is a behavior I'm trying to understand as well, which is, when I post a link on, say, Facebook, the photo and a bit of the description is posted. I need to understand where the text is coming from. Right now I have a significant number of gallery descriptions hidden. And for the most part the leading sentence is likely the same between the description field and the HTML block. So I can't tell which has posted to FB.
Do you know, if there is CSS to hide the description from the public, if Google still finds that content? And, separately, would the material on FB be able to pull from the description even if it is hidden?
I guess I'm wondering whether, if it's possible that content in the description field is accessed for various purposes (like leading sentences in a FB link), maybe I should leave content IN the description field, while having it hidden with CSS.
How's that for overthinking.
You might want to look at the Google Webmaster Tools page on Hidden text and links.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at