OOYCZ #2 - Weather

Here's a few shots to start off the comment & suggestion portion of the challenge. It was really windy & was a bit trickier shooting snow than I had expected. I'm wishing I would have moved my light to another window for a few shots, not sure if it will snow here again in the next couple weeks.




A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
I really like the pop of color and the lighting in 1 and 2... definitely more compelling than #3, which I'm having trouble understanding (esp. w/ regards to weather). I like the lights in the background in #1, and how you got more 'swirl' in the snow. I think my pick would be #2 though... with more classic framing.
I think (although I'm having a little trouble with the new format, after such long absence) that if you want comments and critique on your photos, you start your own thread, but if you just want to submit one image for the challenge, you reply to the main OOYCZ#2 thread, which will be started by JAG (and probably a sticky) on or about 1/20.
Jake - Thanks for the comments. I wasn't sure if showing more snow (#1) or a more simple shot (#2) would be better for the challenge. In #3, the cat was outside wanting in from the bitter cold & was giving me dirty looks because I was taking pictures of him instead of letting him in. Didn't know if the cold would show or not & I couldn't get any details in his face if I tried to get the snow in the background, so it doesn't surprise me that the shot doesn't come across as cold weather.
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
Ok, I started a new thread, but am curious if I should or could use same title?. And whether we submit one image now prior to for review or can submit more than one?
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
#1 - I am first drawn to the light in the upper left and then the blue container (light?). Snowfall was beautifully captured - good technique. Shadow on the blue thing is to the right when I would think it would come from the house light - not important just a thought. Composition is nicely off centered. This one says to me "eager to experience Summer but love Christmas indoors."
#2 - This one appeals to me more than #1. I often like to shoot tight and crop tighter for still images. Lighting is very nice and snowfall is captured well too. I cannot think of anything to change. I suppose one thing I might play with is to highlight the blue thing and adjust lighting to make it pop some more. That is something I did recently on a photo of Eastern Bluebird against a dull white snow background. I can't think of story this one may evoke. I see it as more artistic than telling a story.
I am not used to doing this, so thanks for the opportunity to think it through.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
2. over all, this composition is great and although the snow is represented as weather, although the glass candle decanter seems to steal the show. I am drawn more to the color and texture of the decanter. On the laptop computer I am using (and it is not calibrated for printer quality) the highlight in the snow on top of the glass decanter is slightly blown out, but it could just be on this monitor. Its difficult to shoot snow at night without over doing the flash or lighting because you need enough to pick up the falling snow. If a reshoot does happen somehow, you could try using a white filter to have your light come through to diffuse it some so not to be so harsh.
3. awww, the poor kitty! Let him in!
I'll start out by supporting your second shot as the best of the three. It's a simple, effective composition that's given context by the fallen and falling snow. I could say the same about the first one, but think the additional blowing/falling snow has become too "present" in the shot (almost as it's own subject). The bokeh in the first shot is lovely, but I find myself trying to decide what the center of attention is/should be. BTW, the color and lighting in both is wonderful.
I think the cat photo is terrific - and after your explanation, can see the context of outside cat wanting in. Without the explanation, though, it's not really clear to me if the cat is outside or inside. The snow is subtle and could be seen as occurring on either side of the glass. I'm a cat person too... I guess the expression should make it obvious that he's not happy with whatever side he's on. Then again, that's kinda the rule for my cats. Never happy on either side.
Check out billseye photos on SmugMug
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain