Problem with Lightbox images in Journal-style gallery

At time of writing, this gallery contains 51 images, which causes the gallery to be broken into two pages by what appears to be a 48-image Journal gallery page limit (which I don't understand the need for, BTW, and might be considered a "bug" in itself).
If a visitor clicks on an image and opens it in the Lightbox, s/he can then toggle forward and back - but only within the range of images for the page which contained the image used to enter Lightbox display mode. In other words, in my example, entering the Lightbox by clicking on any of images 1 - 48 allows toggling only across images 1 - 48. Entering the Lightbox from one of the last three images, allows toggling only across images 49 - 51.
This appears to be a bug.
Why there should be a design limit of 48 images on any one Journal gallery page is a moot point - why is there any limit for this style of gallery, or why cannot this be user-defned at least? But a serious implication of the bug I'm reporting is that if a site visitor enters a Journal-style gallery and then chooses to enter the Lightbox, s/he is trapped within a maximum 48-image band, and may never know the existence of images outside that band!
Kindly confirm in this thread the existence of this bug and schedule for remedial attention asap! :thumb
If a visitor clicks on an image and opens it in the Lightbox, s/he can then toggle forward and back - but only within the range of images for the page which contained the image used to enter Lightbox display mode. In other words, in my example, entering the Lightbox by clicking on any of images 1 - 48 allows toggling only across images 1 - 48. Entering the Lightbox from one of the last three images, allows toggling only across images 49 - 51.
This appears to be a bug.
Why there should be a design limit of 48 images on any one Journal gallery page is a moot point - why is there any limit for this style of gallery, or why cannot this be user-defned at least? But a serious implication of the bug I'm reporting is that if a site visitor enters a Journal-style gallery and then chooses to enter the Lightbox, s/he is trapped within a maximum 48-image band, and may never know the existence of images outside that band!
Kindly confirm in this thread the existence of this bug and schedule for remedial attention asap! :thumb
The limit of 48 is not a bug, but was intentionally added in the design.
We do have a feature request forum, and that would be a better place for you to post, if you're looking to have that changed. You can add it here if you'd like:
Or here:
I hope this helps!
SmugMug Support Hero
No, this is no help!
My reported bug is that the number of images displayable in the Lightbox is constrained to a maximum of 48 at any one time, not that there is a limit of 48 images on a single page. In any other gallery style, I can enter the Lightbox and look at any of the, possibly, hundreds of images in the gallery, even though only 16 or 24, etc may be viewable on any single page in gallery view.
Why should this be any different for Journal-style galleries?
And if I report this bug as a "feature request", its fate rests on winning a popularity contest against other "features" (many of which being requests for reinstatement of functionality "dropped" in the transition from SmugMug 1.0) - including beggings for a print provider in Canada!
photos in a gallery no matter how many pages and it should be fixed.
My Website index | My Blog
I was being gracious in calling it a "bug". But I don't want it going through the ludicrous beauty contest process to get it fixed, fast.
And, come to think of it -
Well, who voted for this abomination then?
I'm seeing what you described when I look through the gallery that you linked to, but then I went to look for the same thing on a similar gallery on my site - - 57 images - and I don't get that issue.
I do vaguely remember that I DID have a similar issue when my gallery had 51 images, but that was a few months ago and it went away when I added a few more images, IIRC the magic number was either 52 or 53?.
I'm just thinking out loud here, but try adding a few more pics as a test to see if that makes it any better.
I'd say it's bugged, no doubt others will say otherwise.
Thanks for your input. I see what you mean.
However is your site in New Smugmug, or is it a legacy site? I'm in the former but yours looks as though it might be in the latter. Can you please confirm?
I want what you've got BG, but i don't understand how you got it! Lindy (or anyone), can you explain this?
Like I suggested, try adding a few more, one at a time, to see if it kickstarts. The more I think about it, the more I recollect about it showing 48/page but it only wanting to scroll "around the horn" at >52. Keep us posted so that we can check it for you.
I tried BG's suggestion by adding a further three images (since removed) with the hope this would demonstrate that it is possible to advance past image 48 into a second set of 48 images. Without going into details of what I did, it didn't work but playing around did reveal a specific example of how the function is broken.
Here's my (one, for now) example of the problem. There are, again, 51 images in the gallery.
1. Open the gallery and advance to the last image on the first page (image 48/51).
2. Click on this image to open it in the Lightbox. Note the right hand (next image) advance arrow is showing and changes to bold on mouse-over. Looks hopeful, but ...
3. Click once on this arrow. Nothing happens.
4. Click on this arrow a second time. The displayed Lightbox image changes to the second image from the second page (50/51) - i.e. advances to the second page, but skips an image!
Sorry Lindy, but this can't be right! I'm once again reporting the bug. I'm not making a feature request.