Title, Date Taken and File Name
I am very happy with the new SmugMug and don't really need to change anything ... almost ... apart from a few small display items
A. The Title tag is shown and I want to turn it off so it is not used. Is this possible and if so, how do I do this?
B: Together with the Caption I want to show two more pieces of information: Date Taken (only day, no time) and File name. Is this possible and if so, how do I do it?
Regards, Harald
I am very happy with the new SmugMug and don't really need to change anything ... almost ... apart from a few small display items
A. The Title tag is shown and I want to turn it off so it is not used. Is this possible and if so, how do I do this?
B: Together with the Caption I want to show two more pieces of information: Date Taken (only day, no time) and File name. Is this possible and if so, how do I do it?
Regards, Harald
My focus is on digitizing memories
My focus is on digitizing memories
Do you have a link to your site?
My site is private and I do not want to add links in open forums like this.
I mainly use the Collage Portrait or Collage Landscape and have no customisation so far.
I hoped my rather general question could have a related general answer, but maybe not
Regards, Harald
My focus is on digitizing memories
You can do it if you do your captions in Lightroom. Requires a 3rd party plugin though. Wish the smugmug bulk caption tool included metadata fields to insert. I used to add dates to my captions manually. In legacy I have it showing filenames instead (mine are named by date taken). When I unveil, I'll sorely miss being able to show filenames or dates easily. One of many reasons I'm not eager to downgrade to the new smugmug.
I am not using LightRoom so that way is not open. Seems I will have to wait this one out, wait for SmugMug team to open the system up for users to be able to manage their own metafield data.
Feels a bit odd, the values are there and used by SmugMug but outside my control.
On the other side, I have something to look forward to and that is not bad.
Regards, Harald
My focus is on digitizing memories
Support Hero and Customeister
Thanks Eric for your comment,
However it seems you have missed my main question. I do not ask for a way to modify the uploaded file. All I am interested in is to show metadata that already exists in the file. Either to use HTML to show this in the Caption area or a tweak to show it next to the Caption area.
The Date Taken and Filename is available to SmugMug but not to me. So the original question remains.
" Together with the Caption I want to show two more pieces of information: Date Taken (only day, no time) and File name. Is this possible and if so, how do I do it?"
Regards, Harald
My focus is on digitizing memories
Not sure what Post Processing software you are using.... could you go into the Metadata area in the software and in the "caption" area manually type in the day and file name, then save the file? Once done, you may have to delete the old shot on SM and then re-load the new shot with info and the caption you put with file name and day taken should show up..... so in the caption area, put something like;
"Cats at Play" November 3rd
I think that's the best thing you can try..... depending on your pp software....
You can look at the photo's on my site... in LR, I put in the metadata, the photo file name and in the caption I put ©2013 Prismatic Imagery.... this all shows up under my photo's on my site.
Hope that helps
This is possible but not a good option for me. If I add Date and/or FileName to the Subject before SmugMug I will have issues in other places.
In other tools I have control over hese areas and can display them as I like.
Also, I may have above 10,000 photos already in SMugMug and I definitely do not want to upload them all again.
Regards, Harald
My focus is on digitizing memories
Otherwise, I really like the versatility of Smugmug!!
Dave in Maine
Yes, that is what I am looking for. I need a way to display the photo date. And I see this as a switch on gallery level. Photos from a digital camera would have the switch on to allow the date to be shown. But all my scanned images ptobably would have this off.
And for dates we most likely have differnt ways to display them. This means there should also be kind of a string (for example "dd Mmm yyyy") to indicate the format. Same goes for the time.
Regards, Harald
My focus is on digitizing memories
I mentioned a 3rd party plugin for Lightroom earlier in this thread. That's what I've been using for a while now. Unfortunately it means I needed to start editing captions in Lightroom instead of on smugmug, but it's been working pretty well. It's called LR/Transporter and it lets you set up metadata templates. So I set one up to add the image filename to each caption. It also adds some html to put the filename in small print below the caption. My filenames include the date taken, so that takes care of both items for me. But using the same method you could probably include all the metadata below the caption if you really wanted to. Unfortunately smugmug strips html from captions in some views like the lightbox, so it isn't perfectly formatted everywhere. Not sure why they do that.
I created a workaround, which is similar to the ones suggested before - I add filename automatically to "Title" field in Photomechanic, so filename sort of appears in title field in sugumug too. But it is actually very easy to make a small mistake in photomechanic (like when you copy IPTC data from one photo to another or when you forget to rename first and the do it later etc) and everything is upside down.
Any ideas how to be able to show date taken and filenames (when your caption field is "taken") is highly appreciated!
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