black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited January 12, 2014
Sorry, there's not much here for me. The sky has no real point of interest, nor does the hotel. The geometry of the building is not strong enough to carry the image. The composition of the elements is also a little weak. The juncture of the building and the sky would be better either lower or higher in the frame. I think additional contrast would also be beneficial to the image.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Your eye for the symmetrical is quite enjoyable. I've looked through many of your photographs. You've got a real talent. It is a pleasure to have you share.
Please feel free to post any reworks you do of my images. Crop, skew, munge, edit, share. Website | Galleries | Utah PJs
Sorry, there's not much here for me. The sky has no real point of interest, nor does the hotel. The geometry of the building is not strong enough to carry the image. The composition of the elements is also a little weak. The juncture of the building and the sky would be better either lower or higher in the frame. I think additional contrast would also be beneficial to the image.
I've gotta' agree with Tom here... and for me, the missing element is a human(s) on the balcony somewhere, just to break the symmetry a bit.
Your eye for the symmetrical is quite enjoyable. I've looked through many of your photographs. You've got a real talent. It is a pleasure to have you share.
Website | Galleries | Utah PJs