My google analytics visits went to zero when I unveiled

Was I supposed to do something regarding GA? or anything else?
I know for a fact I have had visitors, so flat-lining since 1/1, when I unveiled, doesn't make sense.
I know for a fact I have had visitors, so flat-lining since 1/1, when I unveiled, doesn't make sense.
In your account settings > stats tab you will see a box to enter a UA number from Google for your Analytics. This help page will show you where to go, and what to do with the number:
After it's entered into your account settings, it will take some time for the analytics to to begin tracking your site views.
If you have any questions or problems, please let us know.
SmugMug Support Hero
At that time my GA stats were reduced by something like 75%, and they never recovered.
Sorry to be so late on asking. :smack
Nope, nothing should have had an effect on your GA stats.
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