#2 OOCZ Rain
I've been sick since after Xmas with a bad cough. I have been out very little. So today I went to Respiratory Therapy and it is rainy and awful. I got a few photos and played around a little with them
So here is the result
I was trying to get the rain on the windshield and the windshield wipers but Bob had it on intermittant and I always missed them. But I think you can get the idea that it is raining

2. When I got home I tried to take a photo of the rain coming down the downspout

and I edited it like this, but I don't know if I like it or not.

Then I saw that Bob left a wet footprint on the porch and so I took a photo of that. No editing seems to make this any 'wetter', but I kind of like this one.

The last one I took from the upstairs window, which has a plastic storm window that blurs the photo a bit. I edited this one somewhat too.
So here is the result
I was trying to get the rain on the windshield and the windshield wipers but Bob had it on intermittant and I always missed them. But I think you can get the idea that it is raining
2. When I got home I tried to take a photo of the rain coming down the downspout
and I edited it like this, but I don't know if I like it or not.
Then I saw that Bob left a wet footprint on the porch and so I took a photo of that. No editing seems to make this any 'wetter', but I kind of like this one.
The last one I took from the upstairs window, which has a plastic storm window that blurs the photo a bit. I edited this one somewhat too.
#1 is my absolute favorite out of all the images in this set. It definitely shows the weather and the blurred out portions on the windshield are perfect in my opinion. Really I like this image!
#2 I see where you were trying to go with this, but I think it would have been better to have the water in focus rather than the pour spout itself.
#3 this is over done on the process in my opinion, although it does make me slightly dizzy with the motion blur!
#4 an interesting perspective on weather, but not the strongest image for the challenge.
#5 the red seems a bit over saturated, however I am also not seeing the weather in this shot.
I was surprised at how well #1 came out. I do like it. My husband's comment after I took the photo was that the woman on the right had the car in reverse and was getting out of it. He didn't think this was a good idea. We didn't see if there were any untoward consequences.
#2 was taken on the way into the house when I came back from my therapy. #3 was the editing of that - I tried the HDR thing and some other post processing but I don't really like it as well.
#5 - the porch roof is a tin roof painted red. The roof is only shiny because it is wet. Otherwise it is kind of Rustoleum color. The tree trunks are wet, but it is hard to take a photo that shows the rain because the plastic is not completely clear so it softens the focus. I did try post processing with this one also, and I like the photo, but I agree that it doesn't show weather very well.
I thought #4 was a little different way of looking at weather, but I couldn't get the footprint to look wet, as opposed to snowy or muddy or something.
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I really like your first shot too ... well imagined, seen and taken and conveys real atmosphere (no pun intended!). I'm a big fan of wide crops and I think it works really well in this situation.
A very minor suggestion to explore if you feel inclined and have the scope to do so.
I would look to lift the top edge of the crop a fraction to have complete inclusion of the telegraph / power pole top left, and the right edge also out a fraction so the tail light is not sitting on the frame edge. I'm only talking a fraction here, but also conscious here that doing so you may bring other "unwanteds" onto the frame edges.
This is the original of that photo and the whole top of the pole isn't in it - it still sticks up a bit out of the picture
Although when I'm taking photos from the car (with Bob driving) I don't often have a lot of time to set up shots. He would slow down if I asked but I don't want to ask unless it is really important.
BTW, I like the color/saturation process between the original and the final version.
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