OOYCZ #2 Weather
1. The only PP quirk I used here was to remove the Yellow in LR as I was processing to give it the feel of being cold.

DSC_5423 by Danny M. Long, on Flickr
2. Here I processed this one normally in LR using the WB to make the chill come through.

DSC_5446 by Danny M. Long, on Flickr
3. This one I tone mapped to give it that extra pop.

DSC_5374 by Danny M. Long, on Flickr
4. This I processed normally even though all these were taken on the same day at around the same time. This shows best what NE Alabama looks like at 9* or -12*C

What 9*F or -12*C looks like in Alabama by Danny M. Long, on Flickr

DSC_5423 by Danny M. Long, on Flickr
2. Here I processed this one normally in LR using the WB to make the chill come through.

DSC_5446 by Danny M. Long, on Flickr
3. This one I tone mapped to give it that extra pop.

DSC_5374 by Danny M. Long, on Flickr
4. This I processed normally even though all these were taken on the same day at around the same time. This shows best what NE Alabama looks like at 9* or -12*C

What 9*F or -12*C looks like in Alabama by Danny M. Long, on Flickr
"There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs."
Ansel Adams
Ansel Adams
Ansel Adams
DSC_5442 by Danny M. Long, on Flickr
Ansel Adams
#5 I am not enough of a photographer to know if the lens reflections (what do you call those?) are acceptable for what we are aiming for in showing weather. I really like they tree in the left side of this photo and if I were doing it I would be tempted to crop the left side vertical to show the backlighted branches.
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Thank you for correcting me.
I like the juxtaposition of the green foliage and the frozen river in #1. (We see that in Pennsylvania but it is usually azalea and rhodendron leaves - and evergreens.) I find myself wondering what #1 might look like with more natural colors?
#5 is another lovely, scenic shot but doesn't communicate cold to me as it is hard to see the ice on the river.
Hope this is helpful!
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your wish....
Ansel Adams
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Thank you very much.
Ansel Adams
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