Sunrise on the Farm - pick one
Saw this beautiful sunrise developing on my way to work a few days ago. Had to make a stop.
Please pick your preference with a quick reason - I'm going to drop one of them into the Whipping Post for further abuse.

Please pick your preference with a quick reason - I'm going to drop one of them into the Whipping Post for further abuse.

Comments (motorsports)
Canon 20D | 10-22 | 17-85 IS | 50/1.4 | 70-300 IS | 100/2.8 macro
Sony F717 | Hoya R72
I tried to send you an e-mail but your server rejected it for spam. It seems that is on your service's blacklist for spam. I know it's not your fault, but I really find it ridiculous that a service blacklists a whole domain that services millions of users because there are a few bad apples in the bunch.
Here is most of what was in my e-mail:
First off I want to tell you that I really like your galleries. One photo in particular I fell in love with and that is:
You made the following post on DGrin and I just wanted to send you a couple of treatment ideas for them.
I am somewhat leery about posting reworked images without permission so here is what I've worked on so far as some new treatments for your barn photos (image attached).
If you are interested I can give you the workflow for them.
Richard Atkinson
Photographs by Dixie
| Canon 1Ds | Canon 5D Mark II | Canon 5D | Canon 50D | Canon 10D | Canon EOS Elan 7 | Mamiya Pro S RB67 |
...and bunches of Canon lenses - I'm equipment rich and dollar poor!
:jawdrop Dam good work
Thanks for the comments everyone - keep 'em coming.
Richard - I sent you a PM about the email issue. Feel free to post back any modifications with workflow - I never mind such things as it'll help me and may help others that read it.
Setup: One camera, one lens, and one roll of film.
I do however really like both of these shots.....the colors are awesome.
Ah! Farm vs. barn. I hadn't thought of that - good point.
Power lines removable fairly easy.....
Thanks Art & Ginger. I just want to get the more critical view to spot and hopefully work out any little nit-picks.