Then.... and now
Some of you may recall a shoot I did a couple of years ago.
This lad's career has blossomed since then, and he contacted me to schedule a repeat shoot. I knew he'd made some changes, but this was the first time I'd seen him since that last time and WOW! He must have lost 150lbs or more.
This lad's career has blossomed since then, and he contacted me to schedule a repeat shoot. I knew he'd made some changes, but this was the first time I'd seen him since that last time and WOW! He must have lost 150lbs or more.
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While he certainly deserves some or even a lot of credit, don't sell your improvements short. Those of us that have been around a while can certainly see it.
Also, a shout out to the 35mm - I will never again listen to the "it sucks for portraits" mantra. That left hand shot was taken with it. Not only is the Sigma a JOY to use (it will undoubtedly be my go-to standard/wide lens), but, to my surprise, I LOVE the focal length!! Obviously, not for head and shoulders or when trying to compress and isolate against a background, or if shooting too close etc etc, but if you can use the distortion (here to elongate his body) it is TERRIFIC. I can't say enough good things about the Sigma - anybody who has been considering it, just do it. Terrific lens.
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
Half and three quarter portraits, as this one is, is one thing. Bust shots and head shots are another. Just my two cents.