Difference in Light
Stopped by the Consumnes River Preserve in the morning and then again a noon the same Cinnamon Teal ducks were in the same spot. The old saying it is all about the light. These are unedited converted JPGs
8:53 am

11:49 am
8:53 am

11:49 am

Chris K. NANPA Member
Too true - although it won't really help if the rest of the pic is carp ... and then there're different scenarios from those shown here ... eg days with snow / rain / mist etc.
I finally started getting up early enough to use morning light last Nov ... yes, fully aware of what I'd been missing, but as a 'night person' the knowledge / reality divide was fairly wide
My similarly worded comment was a general observation - not specific to, or a comment on - your pics. Imo the web is awash with sunset / sunrise / golden hour etc pics that seem to be relying on the light quality alone for 'impact' and (often) ignoring other aspects.
Yes, they illustrated this very well. I also find it interesting to compare consecutive shots taken tracking subjects as they pass in front of differently lit - but similar - bgs. Seeing the thumbnails appear on screen (after such shoots) is indeed 'interesting'.
Me too ...probably more so in some ways ... maybe because of the way the yellow orb likes to stay hidden in the UK, so I / we have to try to make the most of such times.
Apart from anything else, there're generally fewer people around on such days -especially when it's raining / snowing / stormy etc ... which is an advantage re my local venue