Smart Gallery - Geography
I haven't figured out how the geography smart rule is supposed to work but it doesn't seem to be working properly for me.
First, the search map button doesn't seem to do anything. When I place the pin on the map, it shows the latitude and longitude and a radius. How is the radius chosen? I'd expect to choose a location and then choose the radius. But it just picks a number.
Ok, the real bug is with the "Include my unlisted/password protected galleries" option. When I select yes, all of my geotagged photos are found as expected (since it set a radius of about 17,000 miles around the point I chose), including those in unlisted galleries. When I change it to no, no photos are found. It should still find all the geotagged photos in my public galleries.
This is happening in Firefox 26.0.
First, the search map button doesn't seem to do anything. When I place the pin on the map, it shows the latitude and longitude and a radius. How is the radius chosen? I'd expect to choose a location and then choose the radius. But it just picks a number.
Ok, the real bug is with the "Include my unlisted/password protected galleries" option. When I select yes, all of my geotagged photos are found as expected (since it set a radius of about 17,000 miles around the point I chose), including those in unlisted galleries. When I change it to no, no photos are found. It should still find all the geotagged photos in my public galleries.
This is happening in Firefox 26.0.
Location: 38°41'30"N, 92°21'56"W - Radius of 465.0 miles)
That 92°21'56 should have a minus sign in from of it.
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Oddly enough I was able to create another smart gallery using the first one as the source. Setting unlisted/passworded to no eliminates those photos. But it also seems to have somewhat destroyed my site. Contantly hanging up on different pages, etc. Have a help desk ticket open on that. Seems that geography smart galleries might just not play well.
Include my unlisted/password protected galleries:
Set to NO I see none.
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This bug still hasn't been fixed. Clearly smart galleries functionality needs a major overhaul, but it would be nice if the geography bug was fixed.
All I want is a page with a map that shows all of my public geotagged photos. Unfortunately smugmug doesn't provide that functionality by default. So I created a smart gallery using a geography rule to get all the photos into one gallery I can point a map content block to.
Setting "include unlisted/password protected galleries" to No yields no photos. That's the bug. So I set it to Yes. Then I need a second smart gallery which pulls photos from the first smart gallery but now not including unlisted photos.
That has worked fine for 2 years since I reported this bug, but I'm now finding photos disappearing from my map. It's because my first smart gallery has reached the 1000 photo limit due to a lot of cell phone pics in an unlisted gallery (all geotagged). The cell phone pics have bumped "real" pictures out of the first gallery so now they don't appear in the second gallery.
Just fix the bug. It's been 2 years. Unfortunately I think smugmug is more likely to remove the geography smart rule or smart galleries altogether since they probably confuse a lot of users.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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