Cannot edit journal gallery
I have an existing gallery that I'm trying to edit. I'm trying to edit the pictures that are already there along with the text underneath them. It will not allow me to edit the content block. Any ideas why?
I also don't see an option to edit only that page.
I also don't see an option to edit only that page.

If you need to add CSS to apply to that gallery you can add the CSS to your theme or to your entire-site or to the gallery (with make this gallery custom).
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
There are parts of smugmug you can't edit easily, such as gallery content. You'll have to use css code to edit that area. What are you trying to change? If your desired changes are possible, someone will help you with the code to do it.
The gallery content block is just a placeholder... something where SM will show your photos in the gallery style you have selected. The layout is (more or less) fixed, for example in the SmugMug gallery View you will have thumbnails on the left and a larger photo on the right. There is nothing you can adjust. When you set the gallery style to thumbnails then SM will show small square thumbnails.
The Layout will also be adjusted when you resize your browser window. That means if you would make changes to your gallery view you also had to check yourself that the view will work on all display sizes. With the pre-configured layouts SM will make sure your site looks best on many display sizes.
Yes, the default gallery styles do have some restrictions. Some restrictions you can "fix" by using some CSS (create round thumbnails corners, use some mouse-over effects...), others are more complex to modify (move thumbs in SM gallery view from the left to the right) or it is just impossible to do (make preview in SM gallery view larger with less thumbnails).
Creating a new gallery by using some other gallery style will not change anything on this. You can always change the gallery style, either for all of your galleries (using the designs default) or you can make some or all galleries using a different gallery style using the customize menu.
You can also create a page and add some content blocks. The multiple photo content block can show photos from a gallery with some more options as galleries. This is just more complex and you can still not edit anything, even on pages.
If you have a look to different SM sites you may notice that every site looks different from others. This is because of the selected SM theme, gallery style and maybe custom CSS.
Maybe you should be more clear in what you want to edit, there are a lot of CSS tweaks around...
for starters, i'd like to remove the slideshow and buy now button under the collage landscape gallery setting.
For the buy now button ...
It is more easy to disable "Shopping cart" inside of the gallery settings (Top menu => Customize => Gallery settings => Shopping". You will still see the shopping icon while logged in. If logged out and shopping cart turned off visitors will not see the icon. The CSS code above will always hide the icon, logged in or not.
The code above can be added inside of css content block (customize mode, select ENTIRE SITE, drag'n'drop a CSS content block) on entire site or where ever you want.
One more addition: The above "buy now" css code is for the little icon in the captions. Fot the buy now/owner buy icon nect to the slideshow button you can use this:
I have turned off shopping on all of my galleries but it might be more easy to just use a site-wide css code to enable/disable shopping on all galleries at once.
You can also use the Organizer, select all galleries in a folder and then use "SETTINGS" to change shopping/slideshow options for multiple galleries at once.
While writing that it might be worth a feature request to open the gallery settings when using CUSTOMIZE => CUSTOMIZE SITE and left click on "AREA RESERVED FOR SMUGMUG...". Might be less confusing.