New to this

I'm an amateur and have taken a series of sunset photos over the last few years and have published calendars with my shots for the last 3 years. I just built my website and signed up for the Power version. I would like to sell my photos but I'm not sure if the quality of my work is good enough to sell online. Without putting you guys on the spot, could you take a look at my website and let me know what you think?
Thanks in advance for any feedback and guidance about possibly upgrading to Pro and selling online.
Thanks in advance for any feedback and guidance about possibly upgrading to Pro and selling online.
Rather than ask people to look at thirty images, why not post a few and keep the link for the rest?
I think you'll get a better response rate.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Great, thanks!
Yes I know but I have quite a few people ask me where they can buy my sunset photos so I figured this was a good place to start. Thanks for the response.
Thanks for the response. I take most of the shots from a deck off the back of my house and I shoot from that exact position by design. From October thru late January each year, the sunsets line up with my line of sight from the deck (facing directly toward Catalina Island). The palm tree that appears in almost all of my shots is also by design. I have always found it amazing that the sky can look so different each night. By using the same tight foreground shot on almost all of my shots shows how truly unique each sunset is.