Path to Nowhere

This is a shot of mine I took a few years ago while walking through the woods to go fishing. It's a single image that I made made into an HDR from the raw file. I'm actually printing this on canvas (I wanted to do acrylic but too expensive) for my office. I'm actually doing a 20x30 so I cropped off the left/right and made a nice veritcally pleasing image... but here is the original HDR. Let me know your thoughts as always.

You said it!
If they (who we don't speak of) keep spraying the skies with chem trails, future generations would one day think that this is how sky is supposed to look like. When someone would post a picture without chem trails, he would be criticized for posting unnatural sky. Then one day your picture here would sell for couple of hundred million dollars. However, it won't benefit you. You would be comfortably be resting in your grave for about 50 years. However, posthumously you would be regarded as Van Gogh of your time. Way ahead of everyone else.
However, I am old enough to remember clean skies so can't get over it.
With some more light on it for the picture: