
portrait photos, onsite printing

HairyHairy Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
edited February 3, 2014 in Accessories
One of the photo jobs I got this past year was for a company that provided a set up to photograph guests with a celebrity, and print them on site. It involved a laptop and a hand scanner with which to scan a bar code. A camera tethered to this laptop whose photos were linked to the bar-code. At a different station, a bar-code scanner read the bar-code and brought up the photos for display. The display software allowed for the selecting of a package and sent one pose of the few that were shot to two printers working together (to shorten print time). Another laptop was set up with software to accept payment in the form of credit cards, cash, and prepaid coupons.

I am trying to find a company or two that has a set up like this (hardware and software) already packaged for sale. I don't want to reinvent the wheel if it is available somewhere out there.

Can someone point me in the right direction.
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