Hi Anna, with you on leaning towards color. Some details and distinctive layers are getting lost in black & white and the middle bright layer that splits the frame seems strong in black and white but mellower in color. Unlike the last one, color one should win here! Cheers!
I prefer the color as well. I think the band of color between the blue of the sky and the reflection is much more powerful (and interesting) than the black & white version.
I like the B&W AnnaMaria... for me, the color version is so limited
in tonal range that the B&W steps forward with an emphasis on
texture, shape, and contrast. I like the cloning work in the B&W also.
Hi Anna, with you on leaning towards color. Some details and distinctive layers are getting lost in black & white and the middle bright layer that splits the frame seems strong in black and white but mellower in color. Unlike the last one, color one should win here! Cheers!
I prefer the color as well. I think the band of color between the blue of the sky and the reflection is much more powerful (and interesting) than the black & white version.
I like the B&W AnnaMaria... for me, the color version is so limited
in tonal range that the B&W steps forward with an emphasis on
texture, shape, and contrast. I like the cloning work in the B&W also.
I felt the debris was a little more distractive in the b/w vs. the color. Thanks for input!
What time of the day were these taken? I am guessing that at first light or last light, the hills will glow gold!
Late afternoon. There is a steep mountain behind me that blocks sun going down earlier than surrounding area so it looks a bit later than it really was. the light changes very quickly.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
in tonal range that the B&W steps forward with an emphasis on
texture, shape, and contrast. I like the cloning work in the B&W also.
thanks much, I lean toward color too
Another color - thanks for the input!
I felt the debris was a little more distractive in the b/w vs. the color. Thanks for input!
Late afternoon. There is a steep mountain behind me that blocks sun going down earlier than surrounding area so it looks a bit later than it really was. the light changes very quickly.
It's tempting:D