Sandhill Crane

On a trip to Tucson last week, we discovered Whitewater Draw, a winter roosting location for thousands of Sandhill crane -- a two hour drive southeast of Tucson in the Sulphur Springs Valley. Fantastic experience, we spent the whole day there. All these shots were taken with the Canon 100-400 f4L. I was on and off the tripod (mostly off). ISO 800, shutter mostly @ 1000 - 2000, f8. A new lens for me and I'm still adjusting to the in's & out of this lens. C&C always welcome.









The light is wonderful - #3 and especially #4 are killer!!!
Thanks for the kind words. This was an amazing place. I understand from birder folk that were there, that this is the final couple of weeks before they all leave and head north. They said that there were approx 11k on site then, two weeks prior there were 20k! I was lucky to have a few fly across our path so close as the sun was low.
Thanks Eric. I was lucky to have such light. Love that winter sun.
Thanks Steve. Numbers 3 & 4 are my favs also. I made quite a few exposures, but most didn't have the positioning.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Thanks everyone. It was a fun day, and having stayed so long, we got a range of light.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky