In the shuffling madness, of the locomotive... rust?

UPDATE: Scroll down for the updated images...

"Conventional thinking is the ruin of our souls..." ~Rumi
My SmugMug Galleries
"Conventional thinking is the ruin of our souls..." ~Rumi
My SmugMug Galleries
And... the front view...
"Conventional thinking is the ruin of our souls..." ~Rumi
My SmugMug Galleries
Newbie in Action
@JeffC230: Yes, I have more to make from the series! I'm doing a B&W series of this subject, too... thought the rust won't be the star in those.
"Conventional thinking is the ruin of our souls..." ~Rumi
My SmugMug Galleries
But, as a 45 year fan of Tull, I really like the JT reference...
(Glad you like the shots!)
"Conventional thinking is the ruin of our souls..." ~Rumi
My SmugMug Galleries
I finally took a break toying with treatments for the series. I am probably still not done, but I'm going to leave it for a while.
Thank you for the feedback that inspired me to keep working on this until I had something that fit more with what the images were calling for.
"Conventional thinking is the ruin of our souls..." ~Rumi
My SmugMug Galleries
Newbie in Action
The treatment is somewhat like "Steampunk"... which I really like.
Here I was going for putting the a modern diesel in the visual context of a steam locomotive, with the "wet plate" look from the colloidal plate photography that was contemporary with circa 1850 steam locomotives. Almost like in the shell of this diesel, is the soul of a steam punk. ;-) I have a poem in the gallery (inspired by when my wife and I heard the train whistles on a foggy morning, and she actually said the line in the poem):
we hear them trains that roll
through Hartford
not near enough to rumble
like foghorns distant on this misty dawn
only close enough to hear them
whistle through
the sound comes to your ears
but more, you feel it in your chest, somewhere
rising from there
so that you want more
and sometimes you do get it
sue says, “even I like the sound, and I’m not a boy”
if you forget they’re big, dusty
rusty diesels
you can almost believe they’re iron of old
chugging on the coal fire
thundering down the rails
blasting the morning away
or warning away
whistling through…
"Conventional thinking is the ruin of our souls..." ~Rumi
My SmugMug Galleries
Thanks, Tony! To me post–processing is a huge part of photography, and sometimes we walk a fine line between improvement and "just too much." Nice to hear some affirmation on the choices I made with this series. :-)
"Conventional thinking is the ruin of our souls..." ~Rumi
My SmugMug Galleries
Love the processing. I'm one that enjoys a bit of processing most times. I see "normal" every day!
If I had a nit, it would be on your first image. The comp is strong with the exception of the power lines and pole. It's in exactly the wrong spot. Your eye starts at the bottom of the image and pleasantly works up the engine to the top, then, an unwanted eye grabber! The power lines/pole. IMHO, if you took those out this would be a really nice comp.
Thanks, Randy! I am with you. I am going to take care of that pole, AND the building in the last shot. When I do, the pics will update automatically, so I am writing this to make sure folks don't think you are seeing things. Haha...
"Conventional thinking is the ruin of our souls..." ~Rumi
My SmugMug Galleries