Photo migration

BitzerBitzer Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
edited February 7, 2014 in SmugMug Support
Is there a simple way to migrate my photos from Shutterfly to Smugmug without downloading and uploading each photo individually? Ideally, it would be something relatively easy for a novice to use, such as Migratr or Upload Junction. Thanks!


  • rnrjoshrnrjosh Registered Users Posts: 266 Major grins
    edited February 7, 2014
    I'm not aware of a tool that would allow you to migrate photos from Shutterfly to SmugMug at this time. I'm sorry I don't have a better answer for you! It *may* be possible for some tool to be able to do that, though it would depend on how Shutterfly's API works, if it easily allows for downloading/accessing your original files in particular.
    SmugMug Support Hero
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