Pages not in list?

ChuxterChuxter Registered Users Posts: 31 Big grins
edited February 10, 2014 in SmugMug Support
There is a list of objects that can be customized that drops down upon “CUSTOMIZE” > “Customize Site”. That list is:
  • Entire Site
  • Homepage
  • All Folders
  • All Galleries
Why are Pages not listed?


  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited February 10, 2014
    If you're on a page "Just this page" will show below those.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
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  • annnna8888annnna8888 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 936 SmugMug Employee
    edited February 10, 2014
    Chuxter, you need to be on a page, then go to customize > customize site, and you will be able to customize that particular page.

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  • ChuxterChuxter Registered Users Posts: 31 Big grins
    edited February 10, 2014
    Interesting! This seems to indicate that the list of objects which can be customized is location dependent?

    When I performed the “CUSTOMIZE” > “Customize Site” sequence, I was located in my "Homepage". I had clicked on the name of my site on the SM "homepage" and had then clicked on the "Homepage" choice from the drop-down menu. I understand that my "Homepage" is a folder, which may be an oxymoron, as in the SM "language" a "Page" is distinct from a "Folder".

    I didn't properly display the list in my original post...I notice that now. The correct list should look like this:

    Entire Site
    All Folders
    All Galleries

    In other words, the Entire Site is composed of the 3 listed components. I was concerned that "All Pages" was not listed. Your explanation makes some sense, but I counter that I was not in a Gallery when this list was presented, yet the list correctly contains "All Galleries", so in that sense the list was NOT location dependent. That seems like a needless trap for beginners [which I am].

    I also understand that the architects of SM didn't expect any user to customize "All Pages" globally, although I can see some value in being able to do that. But the total absence of anything page-related on the drop-down customization menus is a trap for those trying to learn. How about a grayed-out "Just This Page", which would imply that the option was there but not available for some reason; at which point the novice user could search for a reason why... :D
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited February 10, 2014
    My personal definition of "page" is generic for anything you open in Smug. There are four types
    of pages, homepage, folder, page and gallery. Plus Organizer and anything opening like edit pages.

    In customize you see four areas, five if page is applicable
    plus "Make this ... custom" or "Just this ...". Only one of these will show under the applicable area of the page type opened except homepage.

    entire site
    all folders
    all galleries
    ... "Make this ... custom" or "Just this ..."
    Just this page (if applicable)

    When you go into customize the type of page will be highlighted.
    If on a "Page" in customize "Just this page" is highlighted

    If is very important to make sure the correct area is highlighted when making changes. If you want to
    do something different on just this page (folder, gallery, page) like add another box. First click "Make
    this page custom" to make it independent. If you leave "all ..." highlighted it will add it to all pages like
    this, i.e. all folders. So when changing THIS PAGE ONLY highlight "Just this ...".

    You can highlight any of the others but any changes will apply to that area only.

    example: I'm on an independent folder page. I can switch the highlight to "all folders" and apply a
    change to all folders then switch back and highlight "Just this folder" to make specific changes to only
    this folder.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • ChuxterChuxter Registered Users Posts: 31 Big grins
    edited February 10, 2014
    That seems terribly awkward. Is the goal of SM to frustrate users so they will pay experts to design for them? If so, I'll go elsewhere!
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