I hope this is ok here, but anyway I need some advice from you Nikon shooters.
I just ordered this camera and wanted to get a wildlife lens, I like my Canon 100-400 IS zoom and wanted to get something along that line.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Best to y'all,
The 'lens only' rebates just started on Friday and this lens has the biggest rebate of $400. It's backordered but you can still order now at the rebate price.
Your next best option would be a 300mm f/4 and a 1.4x TC II.
Oh yea... you should also consider the new Tamron 150-600mm which is getting excellent review but not quite available yet. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=&sku=1013957&Q=&is=REG&A=details
Thanks for the help
I just noticed your location. Are you on the Western side? I just read an article that was written in December talking about the Snowy Owl invasion they've had in Presque Isle this winter.
Actually I'm in Florida right now on the east coast. Transplanted from Greensburg to home in Jefferson Co Pa. Oh! and I got the rebate too.
I've borrowed a friend's a few times and I can't believe how sharp it is even compared to the 70-200 VRII.