Info box X for close

I'm starting to have really weird things happen. This is minor, but puzzling -- is it only me? (I've tried three browsers).
Open a lightbox (e.g. click from collage landscape in my case), use the info display. Now try to close it with the "X" at the top left?
on mine it won't close. The escape will close it, but not the "X".
This is on windows with both Chrome and IE11 and Firefox.
This corresponds to some other weirdness, I've got that in another thread.
Open a lightbox (e.g. click from collage landscape in my case), use the info display. Now try to close it with the "X" at the top left?
on mine it won't close. The escape will close it, but not the "X".
This is on windows with both Chrome and IE11 and Firefox.
This corresponds to some other weirdness, I've got that in another thread.
SmugMug Support Hero
Done, though unless it's really just me, it seems very easy to find. Does that mean it's not just me?
If there are any HTML gurus who care to look, take any gallery from my signature, click a photo, click info or comments and try the "X".
But it does appear to be something I'm doing (though if others are using some similar items posted here, it may hit you also).
I am asking The Mechanic to take a look.
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But to your "scroll bar" - do you mean inside the info box? Yes, I see that now also.
I've got 3 or 4 different things on the gallery (not anything intended for the info box), such as numbered photos, font changes on captions... I'll have to dig a bit. Hopefully somewhere I added comments.
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I am not quite sure what customization may be affecting this, you can add the following to your Entire Site CSS:
.sm-user-ui .sm-overlay-imageinfo
z-index: 9999 !important;
Thanks -Scott
Were you able to get this update in place? Currently it does not appear to be the case. Let me know if you need more help with this or it is not working correctly.
Standing By....
I do have the details now. With that pointer above from Allen, I tracked down the CSS change that I was using. It was this one:
I also did a comparison and found the code changed, and installed the newest version and it seems to work, so now I'm looking to see exactly what changed.
I'm GUESSING that this code:
We don't want to create a new stacking context, as we want the tools container to lie underneath the image,
while the arrows themselves sit on top
z-index: auto;
may be the culprit, it was added later.
Allen, how in the world did you find the offending code? I could see all the elements, but couldn't figure out how to tell how they were stacking up. E.g. the computed CSS for the button was unaffected (as best I could tell).
Now I'm worried that the other issue going around... (see This thread or This thread) is related to some customizations (not necessarily this one). While others are having the problem, a lot of these customizations are very popular and widely used.
nothing happens I go to the next tab. If something happens I delete half then third to narrow down
where in the CSS.
Link for Web Developer in my sig. I believe Chrome has this built in.
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It was more impressive when I didn't know.
Just kidding. Thanks a lot.
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