Sitmap-Galleryimages has been removed?

I got a (General HTTP error: 404 not found) for Galleryimages.xml.gz today and after looking in my site map I see it has disappeared from it. this has only happened in the last day.
anyone else found this???
anyone else found this???
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SmugMug Support Hero
Does this mean SM disabled site maps for a while and is rebuilding them?
That's the address for which we generate your sitemap:
(which was just generated a week ago)
and I highly recommend that you only use the address with the www to Google webmasters.
The address without the www is automatically redirected to your proper domain with the www. I can't say what happens if you add the one without the www as well and it's not something we support.
SmugMug Support Hero
OK. I'm not quite sure I understand why having two views into it would matter (I thought these were just setups to look into their indexing). But I deleted the non-www.
So in a day or week or whatever I should see something on the page for "sitemaps" under All?
And my apologies, I thought the site-map-structured data showed under my name, it is showing under the domain name in a search, so it must be there. but wondering why it's not showing in the webmaster tools.
SmugMug Support Hero