Times Square In The Snow
I took this shot of Times Square in the snow about two weeks ago.
Comments, criticisms and critiques are welcome, encouraged and appreciated.

I took this shot of Times Square in the snow about two weeks ago.
Comments, criticisms and critiques are welcome, encouraged and appreciated.

Not sure why buildings appear to slanted on right...people seem to be standing up straight!
Was this hand held? Can you share the Exif data! Thanks!
The settings for the picture are:
Canon 7D, 18-55mm lens @ 18mm, f/7.1, 1/25, ISO 100
Zev Steinhardt
Facebook: The Graceful Image
If only you could clone out that wire.....it would be absolutely perfect.
Sílvio Oliveirawww.silviooliveira.net
Thank you, Silvio.
The wire was there because they were starting to set up Broadway for the Superbowl festivities. Alas, my photoshop skills are not up to the task of removing it convincingly.
Facebook: The Graceful Image
Thanks! For 1.25 second exposure, people are remarkably solid! Long enough to give the frame dreamy/painting effect, yet, no blurs in terms of people movement! Liking this more and more! Cheers!
I'm sorry... that was a typo... it should have been 1/25. Yeah, at 1.25 seconds, that would have been much different.
Zev Steinhardt
Facebook: The Graceful Image
Looking at EXIF, exposure is 1/25 sec.
Taz, you really need to get an EXIF viewer for your browser.
Got it! I saw one person's foot in the air....still no blur. I thought you caught lightning in the bottle! Simply awesome job!!
Thank you, Earache!
I've corrected the original post where I made the typo.
Zev Steinhardt
Facebook: The Graceful Image
Hey buddy, you know what Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Albert Einstein. Which is why I refrain from overwhelming myself with knowledge!
It was just a friendly suggestion to enhance your viewing experience.