Control block size, height and width
I am a New user at smugmug and am trying to setup my site.
In the site above, can you please help me how I can set the first block(6 multi-photo) width to remain same as the second row(profile block).
When I see On my laptop, both the blocks look OK to me, but when I open it in Ipad or iPhone or any other desktop, with varying screen resolutions, the blocks either, stretch or shrink, or skip the photos to the next line. Would be great if I can control the block height and width and keep them stable across all screens.
Based on someones advice, I did add the following code and it did help me control the height.. how can I control the width.
.sm-page-widget-profile-coverphoto .sm-tile-content {
padding-bottom:18% !important;
Thank you all very much in advance.
I am a New user at smugmug and am trying to setup my site.
In the site above, can you please help me how I can set the first block(6 multi-photo) width to remain same as the second row(profile block).
When I see On my laptop, both the blocks look OK to me, but when I open it in Ipad or iPhone or any other desktop, with varying screen resolutions, the blocks either, stretch or shrink, or skip the photos to the next line. Would be great if I can control the block height and width and keep them stable across all screens.
Based on someones advice, I did add the following code and it did help me control the height.. how can I control the width.
.sm-page-widget-profile-coverphoto .sm-tile-content {
padding-bottom:18% !important;
Thank you all very much in advance.
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Thank you very much Ana. I am surprised how I missed that.
Can you please help me how I can fix the first block(6 images). On some screens, all 6 photos stay all in 1 row, but on some desktops or smaller screens, the photos get pushed to the second row. How can I keep all six pics on the same row.
Thank you very much
The only way to override the automatic adjustment would be to change the layout in the customize drawer > layout tab to "fixed" and then specify your desired page width. However, that would mean that visitors on smaller screens may have to scroll to the side to see the remaining photos that don't fit their screen / browser window.
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