Need a right-click disable in Lightbox - help?
Does anyone know if a right-click disable script is available for the Lightbox? I've added it to my CSS (and customized the pop-up message) on my galleries, but once a user clicks on a photo to open it in Lightbox, the message isn't there (thereby allowing them to right-click-save a larger lightbox version of my photos, which I don't want).
Thanks in advance for any help!
Thanks in advance for any help!
I just checked my own site and i get the right-click-protection even in the lightbox.
I just tried a random one and got the message, see screenshot. Tested with FireFox 27.
Do you have any adblockers/scriptblockers active?
And just to let you know: You can not add javascript to the new smugmug for various reasons. All you can add is html or css...
Thanks again for your help.
Are you aware that right click protection isn't protection? Yes, it pops up a message - but if an image has been viewed it is in the browser cache and can be easily saved from there. I've always thought that the setting should be named "right click warning", not "right click protection". I'd recommend that you at least remove access to the Original.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at