Love your color schemes! #1 has Angels theme going!
What's your secret to the vibrant colors Devil? I offer my soul and promise to become a purveyor of evil around the world......get job at Wall Street, or Starbucks, or NSA....whatever you like!
Thanks Brian and @Stumblebum @Stumblebum, I use cs5 filterNik Softver - Color Efex Pro (and in it I have chosen Bi-Color Filters) for #1 and #3.
Thanks! Now I have to figure out what that is all about! I have taken thousands of shots in all kinds of light, but your pop/vibrance is unique! Cheers!
Brian v.
What's your secret to the vibrant colors Devil? I offer my soul and promise to become a purveyor of evil around the world......get job at Wall Street, or Starbucks, or NSA....whatever you like!
@Stumblebum, I use cs5 filter Nik Softver - Color Efex Pro (and in it I have chosen Bi-Color Filters) for #1 and #3.
Thanks! Now I have to figure out what that is all about! I have taken thousands of shots in all kinds of light, but your pop/vibrance is unique! Cheers!