Wufoo Form Styling
Hi All,
If any of you have used the Wufoo Form Content Block, you'll know that it look absolutely awful (Wufoo's fault, not Smugmug's). So I've spent a good hour styling and that to make it look a lot more... Smugmug. So that it fits with my site.
Here's the finished result: http://www.meljones.info/Contact
I thought I'd share the CSS code I used to help you guys get started if you want to.
Here's my CSS Code:
You'll need to upload that somewhere (such as dropbox) and copy it's URL. Then you can go into the theme editor on Wufoo.com and in the advanced option, you can paste the link to the css.
To make it closer to the look of your site, all you should need to do is change any of the background colours and border colours that need to be changed and the text colour.
If any of you have used the Wufoo Form Content Block, you'll know that it look absolutely awful (Wufoo's fault, not Smugmug's). So I've spent a good hour styling and that to make it look a lot more... Smugmug. So that it fits with my site.
Here's the finished result: http://www.meljones.info/Contact
I thought I'd share the CSS code I used to help you guys get started if you want to.
Here's my CSS Code:
textarea, input { color:#DEDEDE !important; background:none !important; background-color:#080808 !important; border-color:#1A1A1A !important; border-width:1px !important; border-style:solid !important; outline-width:0; padding:6px 12px 5px !important; border-color:#212121 !important; } textarea:focus, input:focus { background-color:#1A1A1A !important; } input[type=button],input[type=submit] { background-color:#96F !important; color:#fff !important; border:none !important; padding:10px !important; min-width:80px !important; font-size:12px !important; line-height:18px !important; cursor:pointer; text-transform:uppercase; font-weight:400; font:99% arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif; } label { font-weight: normal !important; }
You'll need to upload that somewhere (such as dropbox) and copy it's URL. Then you can go into the theme editor on Wufoo.com and in the advanced option, you can paste the link to the css.
To make it closer to the look of your site, all you should need to do is change any of the background colours and border colours that need to be changed and the text colour.
- Dan, Studying At College To Enter Science or Programming Field.
Mel Jones Photography Ltd.
School and Nursery Photographer working in Blackpool and Lancashire, UK.
Google+ Page / Local | Facebook Page
Mel Jones Photography Ltd.
School and Nursery Photographer working in Blackpool and Lancashire, UK.
Google+ Page / Local | Facebook Page
I didn't have that hard a time customizing wufoo. The only annoying part is that I couldn't use the Buda font which is my site font. Wufoo doesn't give access to google fonts.
How is it broken for you? I've tested it on multiple computers and even different locations. It seems good to me. (It might take 10 seconds to load sometimes.)
Mel Jones Photography Ltd.
School and Nursery Photographer working in Blackpool and Lancashire, UK.
Google+ Page / Local | Facebook Page
Working now! Popped into place immediately.
The first time, it had a box with nothing inside it except in the center was one of those little icons indicating a broken image. I didn't wait 10 seconds to see what would happen, I would link slow loading would still not show one of those broken-type icons in a box?
Scaled down to fit DG's limits.
Mel Jones Photography Ltd.
School and Nursery Photographer working in Blackpool and Lancashire, UK.
Google+ Page / Local | Facebook Page
I have two very quick questions:
1. When you say put it in dropbox, how do you do that? I'm guessing in a TextEdit file and then use the link for that from Dropbox?
2. How have you managed to change your font? h1, h2, h3 and p fonts for Wufoo are pretty shambolic and I want to be able to use the Google fonts I use in my SM site - a la ChancyRat.
Advice would be helpful. Thanks.
I don't know if you can do this in textedit but basically yes, and then save that file as a .css file. And then use it's Public Link for Wufoo.
I'm actually using the Wufoo default. I'm unsure if you can try changing them in the .css file; you might have to add a !important to the style.
Mel Jones Photography Ltd.
School and Nursery Photographer working in Blackpool and Lancashire, UK.
Google+ Page / Local | Facebook Page