Which Backpack Is This?

While drooling through the pictures over on the McLaren Automotive FB page, I came across this post:

Ok, a car under glass with a bunch of press, got it... but wait?
What is this bag that the majority are using? (of the bags I can see).

Ok, a car under glass with a bunch of press, got it... but wait?
What is this bag that the majority are using? (of the bags I can see).

... or are they the same bods who advertise cam bodies on fleabay with gaping holes where body caps should be?
I wonder if it has anything to do with branding? Lnes caps usually have a logo on them. As far as ebay, thats just plain ignorance or they dont have the body cap.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
I do
As for storing lenses without caps, I put very particular filters on the front of my lenses so I don't "have" to use lens caps. I still do use them when I am putting my gear away for the day, but if I need quick access to gear, I'll run without them. As to body caps, I always have them on. ALWAYS.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
Probably ... but there are enough 3rd party, non-branded caps that could be used ...(or cover / remove branding)
Just strikes me as daft - a Co making bags to keep expensive cam gear all safe 'n snug ... and then depicting it all stashed in this manner.
Conceptually the same in my book - you're protecting the 'really' expensive glass with stuff that's less so / more expendable ... for the sake of convenience (I'd assume?) ...basically a transparent lens cap
Simply put, glass looks sexier than a lens cap. They're in the business of selling camera bags. Fast food companies spend 4 hrs making the perfect burger for their promo photos, so I don't blame a camera bag company for doing this.
Regarding real-world use; yeah when you shoot in highly active situations there is no time for caps. That is why I have dedicated padded pouches / compartments for my lenses so I can drop them in without front or rear caps. As a wedding photographer, it's just kind of a way of life. You can use high-end UV filters, but I find that even the best ones still give weird artifacts when shooting certain lighting conditions, especially on fast primes with spectral highlights. Ghosts galore, even with a really pricey B+W multi-coated filter!
That, plus I frequently have to use ND and polarizing filters so it's just dumb to have to un-screw a protective UV filter every single time.
I personally opt for using lens hoods much more religiously than either filters or caps. All my Nikon, Tokina and Sigma lenses came with great hoods. ;-) (Sorry Canon users...)
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