title bar colour on hover

Can anyone tell me how to get the folder title bars on my home page to turn orange when the thumbnails are hovered over and not just the title bar itself?
I'd use the following selector.
Mel Jones Photography Ltd.
School and Nursery Photographer working in Blackpool and Lancashire, UK.
Google+ Page / Local | Facebook Page
Become a fan of Chris Humphreys Photography
Hi. Would like to have this as well, but, it is not working on my site. Are there certain setting you must have?
Pablo Conrad Photography
Seattle, WA, USA
c: 206-450-8632
Yes, I looked at your site and it does start to work but your configuration for the folder (landscapes is the example I was looking at) means that when you hover over the image, it hides the caption. If you customise the folder so that the "Info Style" is on "None", it will work. (I hope)
Also, just a side note. The e-mail address on the right click protection may be wrong now since you have a new URL. Just a note, incase you need to change that.
Mel Jones Photography Ltd.
School and Nursery Photographer working in Blackpool and Lancashire, UK.
Google+ Page / Local | Facebook Page
I'll do that. I thought the "None" meant you didn't want the info.
Thanks for noticing that. But, that email address is still my active email until I change it to the "paulconrad.photography."
Thanks for the tips, I'll give it a shot.
Pablo Conrad Photography
Seattle, WA, USA
c: 206-450-8632
Pablo Conrad Photography
Seattle, WA, USA
c: 206-450-8632
nevermind....have to fade background color.
You can change the time (red) to what you want. must me in .1s increments.
This does make ALL the links in your site fade in and out. Even when you are in the customization mode.
Pablo Conrad Photography
Seattle, WA, USA
c: 206-450-8632