Couple of hoverflies

Lord VetinariLord Vetinari Registered Users Posts: 15,901 Major grins
edited February 24, 2014 in Holy Macro
Couple of hoverflies from the garden.
Brian V.

Syrphus torvus

Syrphus torvus on my finger

Dronefly hoverfly



  • IPClarkIPClark Registered Users Posts: 2,355 Major grins
    edited February 24, 2014
    Gorgeous shots Brian... I can't wait for bug season to kick off :D
  • StumblebumStumblebum Registered Users Posts: 8,480 Major grins
    edited February 24, 2014
    Yeah, I have started to see couple of bugs. Too bad was doing something else at the time! The details in shots above are to die for!

    Do you combine extension tubes with your lens? Cheers!
  • Lord VetinariLord Vetinari Registered Users Posts: 15,901 Major grins
    edited February 24, 2014
    Thanks for the comments Ian and SB :):

    SB No I don't use ext tubes with the lens used for these shots as there is not really any point - the MPE-65 goes to 5:1 mag by itself. I do use ext tubes however with my 90mm macro and 200mm lenses fairly frequently. Before I got the MPE-65 I used to use both ext tubes and a reversed lens on the front of my macro lens to get higher mags. The MPE-65 is just a lot more convenient to use.
    Brian V.
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