PLEASE READ - API 2.0 update and info thread ***UPDATED 12/2/14***
Watch this thread for important updates. Last update 12/2/14.
***** Update 12/2/14 *****
We're excited to announce that the API 2.0 beta is open for everyone to use! It is a beta, so there may be rough edges, but we'd love to get people using it and giving us feedback. Learn all about the new API here:
For anyone that already has an API key, you can get access to 2.0 by visiting this page and accepting our new terms of service.
If you don't have an API key yet or you're looking to get another, you can visit this form and apply for an additional one. Just make sure to accept the beta terms of service if you want 2.0 access.
For now you’ll still have access to API versions 1.3.0 and 1.2.2, but we’ll only update them for essential, critical fixes. We’ll keep you updated on when 2.0 is out of beta, as well as a timeline for phasing out and shutting down APIs 1.3.0 and 1.2.2. We’ll be sure the timeline gives you plenty of time for you to migrate your apps.
As usual, if you have any questions/comments/concerns, give us a shout at
***** Update 6/30/14 *****
Some of you may have heard rumblings of SmugMug’s API 2.0, which we’ve been testing to ensure it’s up to snuff. Credit to the people who discovered it and started playing with it. :-) Unfortunately, the unfinished version that's in the wild isn't ready for prime time.
Knowing that a few folks here have found the new API and have been playing with it, we wanted to give you a heads up that we need to restrict access until it’s ready for official launch. We know, that sounds corporate...but it has begun to make its way into some important products before it's ready. We should’ve restricted it from the start, but we missed it. We apologize!
We'll be putting the restriction into place two days from now. If this change affects you, contact us at We’ll work with you as best we can.
***** Original Post *****
Hey SmugMug API Geeks!
I bring news from the API team at SmugMug. As part of the team at SmugMug working on the new version of the API (2.0 we are calling it); I wanted to let you know that we are still very hard at work on bringing you a new and more useful way of using the SmugMug platform. I realize that it has been awhile since anyone has really chimed in with information on the new version of the API. I'd still like to give all of you some sort of status update.
We’ve been heads-down at work building you:
I really cannot wait to be able to speak about the new version of the API and introduce all of its new features, but we want to make sure that the code and infrastructure have been tested as well as it could be to bring you a stable and useful platform to develop with.
I will update this thread with more details when the new API is closer to public release. Until then, we are working hard to bring you a brand-new, more productive, powerful API suitable for the future of developing with SmugMug.
We will add updates to this sticky thread so subscribe to it for the latest info on API 2.0.
***** Update 12/2/14 *****
We're excited to announce that the API 2.0 beta is open for everyone to use! It is a beta, so there may be rough edges, but we'd love to get people using it and giving us feedback. Learn all about the new API here:
For anyone that already has an API key, you can get access to 2.0 by visiting this page and accepting our new terms of service.
If you don't have an API key yet or you're looking to get another, you can visit this form and apply for an additional one. Just make sure to accept the beta terms of service if you want 2.0 access.
For now you’ll still have access to API versions 1.3.0 and 1.2.2, but we’ll only update them for essential, critical fixes. We’ll keep you updated on when 2.0 is out of beta, as well as a timeline for phasing out and shutting down APIs 1.3.0 and 1.2.2. We’ll be sure the timeline gives you plenty of time for you to migrate your apps.
As usual, if you have any questions/comments/concerns, give us a shout at
***** Update 6/30/14 *****
Some of you may have heard rumblings of SmugMug’s API 2.0, which we’ve been testing to ensure it’s up to snuff. Credit to the people who discovered it and started playing with it. :-) Unfortunately, the unfinished version that's in the wild isn't ready for prime time.
Knowing that a few folks here have found the new API and have been playing with it, we wanted to give you a heads up that we need to restrict access until it’s ready for official launch. We know, that sounds corporate...but it has begun to make its way into some important products before it's ready. We should’ve restricted it from the start, but we missed it. We apologize!
We'll be putting the restriction into place two days from now. If this change affects you, contact us at We’ll work with you as best we can.
***** Original Post *****
Hey SmugMug API Geeks!
I bring news from the API team at SmugMug. As part of the team at SmugMug working on the new version of the API (2.0 we are calling it); I wanted to let you know that we are still very hard at work on bringing you a new and more useful way of using the SmugMug platform. I realize that it has been awhile since anyone has really chimed in with information on the new version of the API. I'd still like to give all of you some sort of status update.
We’ve been heads-down at work building you:
- Entirely new features to make you more productive
- A battle-tested, stable API
- Better documentation with sample code
- Transition documents for those of you already working with the existing API
I really cannot wait to be able to speak about the new version of the API and introduce all of its new features, but we want to make sure that the code and infrastructure have been tested as well as it could be to bring you a stable and useful platform to develop with.
I will update this thread with more details when the new API is closer to public release. Until then, we are working hard to bring you a brand-new, more productive, powerful API suitable for the future of developing with SmugMug.
We will add updates to this sticky thread so subscribe to it for the latest info on API 2.0.
A quick question about authentication if you can - will the v2 API use similar OAuth authentication to the 1.3.0 API, or will there be a new authentication mechanism?
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
There will indeed be documentation for the full list of additional query params at launch.
Please consider adding the following features to API 2.0 -- if possible. I can't be the only SmugMugger who would greatly benefit from them.
-Include the DateCreated parameter to albums.get method (allowing us a way to intelligently sort album return values)
It's sort of redundant to have to go into every single album and grab an image only to reference the Date field. The only date-associated field that album.get seems to pull is the "LastUpdated". This was fine until we recently had to apply new watermarks to all of our albums so now most of our albums share the same "LastUpdated" value.
-Include additional way(s) to sort API returns
I really like using RSS feeds as they tend to show the most recently uploaded content first but I've ran into issues with the return limit (100 images on a keyword feed, for example). More specifically, if I use the albums.get method to pull all albums associated with a particular subcategory (or keyword) the returned albums don't seem to be in any particular order. Ideally, I'd like to return the most recent albums first much like the RSS feeds do. I guess this particular instance would be satisfied if the feature above was implemented.
Thanks for your time!
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
I'm using SmugMug API 1.2.2 to retrieve galleries by the leading characters of their custom URL.
To do so, I now have to retrieve all galleries and then filter through the list.
I'm hoping that you will make this more efficient in API 2.0
Great! Thank you for the immediate feedback on this.
Could you provide any clarity on whether v2 API will support referencing category/subcategory (folder level) keywords with a heavy response? API 1.3.0 can only address keywords at the album/image level even though you can technically add keywords to any category or subcategory.
You can even pass parameters to the V2 API to restrict the fields that will be returned (so that the response is smaller and quicker to download), for example:!folders?_filter=WebUri,Uri,Keywords&_shorturis=
The only folder I have with keywords set is #6/22, the "/Travel" folder.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Thanks again for the hasty reply!
Looking forward to working with the new API and dynamically displaying our content throughout our other web applications.
Once you've found an interesting URL using the browser:
You can get the equivalent request URL that'd be useful in your app by choosing something like application/json from the Available Media Types menu at the bottom, giving you a URL like this:
It's possible that you can just add oauth credentials onto the URL the same way you would with the v1.3 API (I've never tried). The SM extension for Lightroom passes these oauth parameters in the URL:
To be clear, the v2 API is enabled for every site, not just mine (because SM for Lightroom and other consumers already rely on it).
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Yeah, it looks easy enough to work with. I did play with that some. I even wrote some code to start, but most of what I want will rely on authenticated requests.
I just tried, and got a 403 Unauthorized, so I guess they are perhaps limiting it to specific whitelisted applications.
Some of you may have heard rumblings of SmugMug’s API 2.0, which we’ve been testing to ensure it’s up to snuff. Credit to the people who discovered it and started playing with it. :-) Unfortunately, the unfinished version that's in the wild isn't ready for prime time.
Knowing that a few folks here have found the new API and have been playing with it, we wanted to give you a heads up that we need to restrict access until it’s ready for official launch. We know, that sounds corporate...but it has begun to make its way into some important products before it's ready. We should’ve restricted it from the start, but we missed it. We apologize!
We'll be putting the restriction into place two days from now. If this change affects you, contact us at We’ll work with you as best we can.
SmugMug Product Manager
You can take full advantage of the current structure and successfully upload pictures using the 1.3.0 API. There's no need to use the 2.0 API.
Personal Blog | Tech Blog | phpSmug
The 1.3.0 API does not fully expose the deeper folder structures that are possible with the new SmugMug. But you can get a list of all albums, whether they are deeply nested or not, so it is still possible to upload to any existing gallery.
Sorcerer and API Guy at SmugMug
SmugMug Product Manager
I just built a multi-file uploader on API 1.2.2 that posts back to ASP.NET web site. It works just fine, but you'll need to map some terminology:
- Gallery => Album in 1.2.2
- Top Folder => Category in 1.2.2
- Sub-Folder => Subcategory in 1.2.2
- Custom URL => Album/Category/Subcategory Nicename
I chose to use 1.2.2 instead of 1.3.0 because 2.0 wasn't available and I found a robust .NET sample project in 1.2.2.I've found this not to be the case. albums.get only returns albums that are no deeper 2 folders (so they can be mapped to Category->Subcategory). The majority of my photos are organized by "Dated/YYYY/MMDD/photo.jpg" so none of those MMDD albums show up via the 1.3.0 API for me. I have a few albums that are higher up, and I even tested that ( "Other/Test/foo.jpg" works, for example)
This is pretty frustrating for me, because I used to just have everything organized by "Dated/YYYYMMDD" but with the newer layout, I had too many albums in a folder and was forced to split my organization up a bit more. So none of the tools I used previously work since that change, and there has been nearly no updates on the upcoming 2.0 API and the "new" site has been live for over a year now. :pissed
If anyone has some suggestions about how to make the existing APIs access deep folders, Id love to hear them. Maybe Im just doing something wrong.
Sorcerer and API Guy at SmugMug
Hey folks!
We're excited to announce that the API 2.0 beta is open for everyone to use! It is a beta, so there may be rough edges, but we'd love to get people using it and giving us feedback. Learn all about the new API here:
For anyone that already has an API key, you can get access to 2.0 by visiting this page and accepting our new terms of service.
If you don't have an API key yet or you're looking to get another, you can visit this form and apply for an additional one. Just make sure to accept the beta terms of service if you want 2.0 access.
For now you’ll still have access to API versions 1.3.0 and 1.2.2, but we’ll only update them for essential, critical fixes. We’ll keep you updated on when 2.0 is out of beta, as well as a timeline for phasing out and shutting down APIs 1.3.0 and 1.2.2. We’ll be sure the timeline gives you plenty of time for you to migrate your apps.
As usual, if you have any questions/comments/concerns, give us a shout at
SmugMug Product Manager