Display statistics on home page and/or galleries?

Does anyone know of a way to display photo view statistics on the home page or on individual galleries? The simplest version would just be a count of total photo views in the last (say) one month - and this would also occupy very little screen real estate. A fancier option would be a small time-series plot of total photo views, although this would obviously take up more room. I could imagine putting a "hit counter" of total views across all galleries on my home page, and individual viewing stats for each gallery on the gallery pages. I suppose you could even add a hit count for this photo whenever just one is being displayed.
Any help appreciated.
- Mark Conde
Any help appreciated.
- Mark Conde
Support Hero and Customeister
Thanks for these suggestions. I was kinda hoping for something native to smugmug, that would access smugmug's internal counts of photo views. Clearly smugmug has a system for tracking both gallery and individual photo views, because I can access these data from the "Stats" page of the "Account Settings" area. So I was hoping for a way that I post some of smugmug's statistics onto my pages for the amusement of my viewers. But I get the impression that there's nothing in place right now that would let me do this.
Thanks again,
- Mark