Just trying to anticipate any problems before I unveil.
Does anyone know if smuginforaperture will still work with new smugmug?
thank you
Does anyone know if smuginforaperture will still work with new smugmug?
thank you
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
I would have to upgrade. My aperture is 3.4.5
Do you have first hand experience with this. I have just been reading some reviews and it apparently
downloads a copy of all Smugmug galleries to to the current Aperture library. If this is true it would not be a very good option for me as I have hundreds of galleries. And if you make a change to an image it automatically uploads it?
They claim there is no way to control these features.
I will have to research a bit more. Perhaps things have changed since the reviews were written.
Thank you,
Your understanding is correct.
I've used SmuginPro for Aperture for about as long as it has been available, and thought I would really like SmugMug's new sync feature. The reality is less convenient, for the reasons you cited.
It used to be that I wanted a local copy of absolutely everything, and would upload only those images that I wished to share. Now I find that some photos I'm willing to upload to SmugMug and be done with them (i.e., not keep them for myself). This requires an uploader, not a sync tool (since, as you noticed, there is no controlling the feature - so deleting an image locally will cause it to be removed from SmugMug).
Doing "housecleaning" of images and trying to remember not to delete images that I wish to leave on SmugMug but were uploaded with the sync tool makes for one too many things to think about.
On the other hand, my keywords on SmugMug are useless because, too often, I have uploaded before applying keywords (and who has time to re-upload, just to get keywords applied).
SmuginPro for Aperture will update keywords, but I find I've wasted more time with its settings in the wrong position when I've tried to use it for anything other than a straightforward upload (probably says more about me).
What I think I would prefer is a sync tool that keeps a gallery in sync (rather than specifying individual images that are 'shared' this way). In other words, I would like to specify a particular Album (maybe especially a particular Smart Album) in Aperture that is tied to a particular SmugMug gallery - such that any images that are placed in the Album are uploaded (and kept updated with) the gallery (and deletions are removed).
That is not how it works. You share images (so subsequent additions to an Album are not automatically uploaded, and removing an image from an Album without deleting it does not remove it from the gallery).
And, as you pointed out, downloading local copies of all SmugMug galleries is not helpful at all. Why would anyone want that?
Chooka chooka hoo la ley
Looka looka koo la ley
Thanks for that info. I will def not be using that tool. I have multiple aperture libraries and sounds like it would not work in my case.
I use smuginforaperture but if that is not compatible I will get the smuginPro
Thanks for the response.
I forgot to say that SmuginPro works fine with New SmugMug. I'm quite sure the version you are using will continue to work also.
Chooka chooka hoo la ley
Looka looka koo la ley