Koda template's default font
I apologise for the silly question but can someone please tell me what's the default template of the Kota template? I need to use the same for my Blog that I am going to incorporate on the website
SmugMug Support Hero
Oh and I am a She
- Customize...
- Customize site...
- Entire site...
- Click the wrench on Theme
- In the basics tab you should see the fonts you are using.
Note that your smug site is using Google fonts.--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
p.s. I used Firefox's Firebug plugin to review the generated / rendered CSS.
p.p.s. Sorry about the he/she thing,
What list is that? I tried Merriweather and Roboto but it's not the same.
As for Helvetica, Arial, Sans Serif they dont seem to be in the list of fonts I can choose from on the New Smugmug's Koda template which is the one I am customising. I have Courier in the Legacy site but even Courier is not in that list... none of the traditional fonts is actually, which I found a bit weird or maybe I am missing something?
PS I am migrating from Legacy so expect me to ask a few more things in the next days or so
I'm not sure what fonts are available for which themes, but if you can customize the font of your blog to be the same list, your viewers should have a nice consistent experience.