Customization of the bottom bar
Hello. I am working on my gallery page. I am deciding between the vertical menu bar or the bottom bar on my pictures. I would like to use the bottom bar, however, the colors that I have set make it difficult to read. Is there a way to change the text color on the bottom bar without changing the text color on my entire site?
Thanks for your help!
my website…
Thanks for your help!
my website…
Might try this
/* titles on thumbs in folders */
.sm-tiles-grid ul li a p {
color: white!important;
My Website index | My Blog
I would pick white…#FFFFFF.
The primary text color is aeaeae. Don't know the name of the color though.
-Thanks Allen.
Where would I put that code? In my all folders CSS?
white is #fff or #ffffff
color: #fff !important;
My Website index | My Blog
Thanks Allen!!!!! It worked!