black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited March 1, 2014
Very interesting shot, Eric. Well done. I'd be careful about printing out the name for these these days and times, someone will probably call the law on you.
See ya,
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Very interesting shot, Eric. Well done. I'd be careful about printing out the name for these these days and times, someone will probably call the law on you.
See ya,
Thank-you sir... appreciate your feedback and your concern for my well-being...
No worries though - if they come for me, I'll throw-out some doughnuts and run
the other way while they are distracted.
See ya,
Interesting indeed!
"Conventional thinking is the ruin of our souls..." ~Rumi
My SmugMug Galleries
No worries though - if they come for me, I'll throw-out some doughnuts and run
the other way while they are distracted.
Hey Taz - glad you enjoyed it - they are kind of magical creatures... even more-so in (slow) motion.
Prove it...
Thanks Mark - cheers!