Comment Block Stretched Off Screen
I have been using the standard SmugMug gallery style, and I'd like my viewers to be able to comment on individual pictures. I also like the stretchy layout, that stretches the gallery to fill a large browser window. This works much better than fixed when you don't know the size and resolution of your users' browsers.
However, when the layout is stretched, it stretches the comment block off the bottom of the browser. When you scroll down to see the comment block, you see a blank space under the thumbnails. It appears that the layout code that does the stretching doesn't know that the comment block is there.
Stretching to fill should *never* cause a need for a scroll bar, and this does.
Is there a way to enable stretch to fill with comments, without stretching past the current browser visible area? And to extend the thumbnails down beside the comment block? (Or just get rid of that dead space?) To add the space taken by the comment block to the stuff the layout engine places?
However, when the layout is stretched, it stretches the comment block off the bottom of the browser. When you scroll down to see the comment block, you see a blank space under the thumbnails. It appears that the layout code that does the stretching doesn't know that the comment block is there.
Stretching to fill should *never* cause a need for a scroll bar, and this does.
Is there a way to enable stretch to fill with comments, without stretching past the current browser visible area? And to extend the thumbnails down beside the comment block? (Or just get rid of that dead space?) To add the space taken by the comment block to the stuff the layout engine places?
Support Hero and Customeister
When I open this with Firefox in its default size, it displays as a 3x3 grid of thumbnails on the left, a large image on the right, and everthing below the keywords "Edinburgh | Scotland" off the screen. If I carefully extend the window downward, I can eliminate the scroll bar and display the comment block, although there's dead space to its left, under the thumbnails. If I make it full screen on my 16:10 monitor, it displays a 6x3 (vertical x horizontal) grid of thumbnails, a large image, and everything below the keywords is off screen. If I make it full screen on my 16:9 monitor, it displays a 6x4 grid of thumbnails, and nothing below the keywords.
Clearly, it is sizing the content to fit the browser. However, it is sizing it as though the comment block were not there.
Try making it full screen on your computer, and let me know what you see. If it displays the comment block, I'll be surprised.
That I can't help you fix. But adding this to a CSS content block should stretch the comment box to fit a similar width to the gallery content above it:
.sm-gallery-comments-container {
margin-left: 0 !important;
.sm-gallery-comments {
max-width: 100% !important;
Support Hero and Customeister
I'd love to see the galleries a bit more customizable, like the other page elements. I guess the right place for that sort of comment would be in the feature request forum.